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…, J Shuster, D FERNÁNDEZ‐REMOLAR… - …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
One of the keys to understanding and identifying life on other planets is to study the preservation
of organic compounds and their precursor micro-organisms on Earth. Rio Tinto in southwestern
Spain is a well documented site of microbial preservation within iron sulphates and iron ...
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V Parro, D Fernández-Remolar… - Astrobiology, 2011 - liebertonline.com
The particular mineralogy formed in the acidic conditions of the Río Tinto has proven to be a
first-order analogue for the acid-sulfate aqueous environments of Mars. Therefore, studies about
the formation and preservation of biosignatures in the Río Tinto will provide insights into ...
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I Remolar, M Chover, R Quirós, J Gumbau… - Transactions on …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract. The current world economic situation makes it necessary to develop new ways of establishing
commercial relationships. One possible solution is to explore the advantages of virtual
worlds, and for this rea- son online virtual trade fairs are becoming more popular in the ...
…, M Sanchez-Román, D Fernandez-Remolar… - LPI …, 2011 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Quantitative Raman Spectroscopy (QRS), a Potential Tool to Study the Formation
Mechanism of Carbonates of Early Earth and Mars. Authors: Bonales, LJ; Muñoz-Iglesias,
MV; Sanchez-Román, M.; Fernandez-Remolar, D.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O. ...
DB Nuzzio, ER Zettler, A Aguilera… - Science of the Total …, 2011 - Elsevier
... As in many other ARD systems, small headwater streams of the RT have different groundwater
sources that percolate through soils and rocks with distinct mineralogy (Fernández-Remolar et
al., 2005) leading to substantial variation in water chemistry even on the meter scale ...
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