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N Fukuda, M Takaoka, S Doumoto, K Oshita… - Atmospheric …, 2011 - Elsevier
... t ) 6 a ct iva t ed coke 2 recovered mat eria l from desulfuriza t ion 1 wa ste liquid from desulfuriza
t ion 1 ma in wa st e ga s 6 iron ore s int er 3 coke 2 iron ore ma ss 3 lim es t one 2 powdered
coa l 3 pellet 2 pig iron 2 s la g 3 dust ca t cher dus t (DC dus t ) 3 t hickener s ludge 3 t ...
All 2 versions
RJ Gould - US Patent 20,110,200,757, 2011 - freepatentsonline.com
... Latex. Total % comb. 32.8%, 32.0%, 35.2%, 34.0 %, 0%, 0%. Binder. Additives, 0, 0, 0. T hickener,
0, 0.31%, 0.15%, 0.21%, 0, 0. Dispersant, 0, 0.16%, 0.10%, 0.00%, 0, 0. Defoamer, 0, 0.04%,
0 .15%, 0.04%, 0, 0. TABLE 4. Masking of Packaging Material Contacted with Votive Candles ...

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