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VK Frantz - JOP. J Pancreas, 2011 - joplink.net
Igbinosa O. JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2011 May 6; 12(3):262-265. [Reference 1].
Papillary tumors of the pancreas: Benign or malignant? Tumors of the pancreas.
Frantz VK. In: Atlas of Tumor Pathology, Section 7, Fascicles 27 ...
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GKK Leung, S Sun, STS Wong, XQ Zhang… - The 8th Meeting of the …, 2011 - hub.hku.hk
Item Metadata (Short). Title, Proteomic alterations associated with acquired temozolomide
resistance in human malignant gliomas: the potential role of prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide. ...
Z Alfonso… - US Patent 20,110,206,646, 2011 - freepatentsonline.com
Aspects of the invention provides methods for preparing and using adipose-tissue-derived stem
and progenitor cells, adipose-tissue-derived lymphatic endothelial cells, and cells capable of
differentiating into lymphatic endothelial cells to treat disorders of the lymphatic system ...
M Bott, M Brevet, BS Taylor, S Shimizu, T Ito… - Nature Genetics, 2011 - nature.com
Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs) often show CDKN2A and NF2 inactivation, but other
highly recurrent mutations have not been described. To identify additional driver genes, we used
an integrated genomic analysis of 53 MPM tumor samples to guide a focused sequencing ...
All 3 versions
LW Matthiessen, T Muir… - Clinical Aspects of Electroporation, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Cutaneous metastases can present themselves in many ways and adversely affect
self- esteem and body image. Management and palliative treatment of cutaneous metastases
remain as clinically challenging problems. Electrochemotherapy as a palliative treatment ...
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