A Rico-Guevara… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - National Acad Sciences Hummingbird tongues pick up a liquid, calorie-dense food that cannot be grasped, a physical challenge that has long inspired the study of nectar-transport mechanics. Existing biophysical models predict optimal hummingbird foraging on the basis of equations that assume that ... Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versions
M Saadatmand, T Ishikawa, N Matsuki… - Journal of …, 2011 - Elsevier Fluid particle diffusion through blood flow within a capillary tube is an important phenomenon to understand, especially for studies in mass transport in the microcirculation as well as in solving technical issues involved in mixing in biomedical microdevices. In this paper, the ... Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 6 versions
[PDF] from biotechniques.comWP Chou, PHCJM Miao, LS Kuo, SH Yeh… - …, 2011 - biotechniques.com PCR is the primary technique used for amplifying specific nucleic acid sequences (1). Traditional PCR requires the use of a delicate thermal controller to repeatedly heat and cool samples, typically for 35–50 cycles. During their early development, the size, cost, and long ramping time of ... Related articles - View as HTML - All 6 versions
XR Liu, BY Li, DT Han… - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011 - Trans Tech Publ Page 1. Design of breathing air-condition cabinet based on capillarytube combined with heat exchange and dehumidification Xiaorui Liu 1,a , Baoyu Li 2 ,b ,Dongtai Han 3,c , Xueyong Lv 4,d ... Keywords: capillarytube;breathing;air-condition;dehumidification ...
X Yan, B Liu, SH Lu, ML Ge, XX Li… - Zhonghua xue ye xue za …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 1. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi. 2011 May;32(5):326-330. [The effects of stem cell factor on proliferation, transmigration, capillarytube formation of endothelial cells and on the chemotaxis of CD133(+) cells.]. [Article in Chinese]. Yan X, Liu B, Lu SH, Ge ML, Li XX, Zheng YZ. ...