L Rodrigues-Simioni, RS Floriano… - Toxicon, 2011 - Elsevier ... Bothriopsis venom s contain L-amino acid ox idase, esteras e, pepti da se, phosphodi esterase, phosphol ipase A 2 (PLA2) and proteol yti c acti v it ies, as well as co a gulant, hemorrh a gic and m yotox ic acti vit ies (Kuc h et al., 1996; Porto et al., 2007; Furtado et al., 2010), in ... All 2 versions
H Zhong… - Current Topics in Medicinal …, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com ... The activated VEGFR and EGFR dimers catalyze the transfer of the phos- phate group to downstream effectors, such as Ras, phosphol- ipase C (PLC- ) and PI3K. The activated Ras/MEK/ERK pathway leads to cell proliferation, while the activated PLC- ... Related articles - All 2 versions
[HTML] from academicjournals.orgG Ren, JX Liu, F Li, XY Lan, MJ Li… - African Journal of …, 2011 - academicjournals.org ... Lipase maturation factor 1 (LMF1) protein is encoded by the LMF1 gene, which is located in chromosome 16p on human, and it has 11 exons and covers 84 kb on mouse chromosome 17 (Péterfy et al., 2007). The LMF1 protein ... Cached
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[PDF] from biomedres.infoM Gupta, S Chari, M Borkar… - Biomedical …, 2011 - biomedres.info ... In addition, it may be responsible for activation of phosphol- ipase A2, production of many mediators by arachidonate, deactivation of adenylate cyclase and activation of guany- late cyclase leading to decrease in the cAMP/cGMP ratio responsible for epidermal proliferation in ... Related articles - View as HTML - All 3 versions