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I Novak - Clinical Rehabilitation, 2011 - cre.sagepub.com
... Intervention approaches Results Level o f evidence Gp2: Home programme Coppola et al. 2009
7 Post surgical knees Systematic review P hysiotherapy N o difference betw een approaches
for strength, range of motion, atrophies and function. Home pro- grammes w ere as ...
[PDF] from bhj.orgA Sharma, P Badhe, O Shetty, P Vijaygopal… - Bombay Hospital …, 2011 - bhj.org
... Research Asso., ***Jr. Research Scientist, ****Medical Services and Clinical Research,
****Sr. P hysiotherapist , ****Physiotherapist,****Occupational Therapist, ****Head, Research
and Development, Dept. of Research and Development, Dept. ...
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