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CJ Hsieh, SF Jeng, KY Wu, YN Su… - Nicotine & Tobacco …, 2011 - ntr.oxfordjournals.org
Methods: We conducted a birth cohort study of 87 nonsmoking women who delivered single
births of normal birth weight. We enrolled the women before delivery, interviewed them using
a structured questionnaire, and collected umbilical cord blood. Umbilical cord cotinine, a ...
D Gaebler-Spira - Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2011 - Thomas Land
... 19. Futagi Y, Tagawa T, Otani K. Primitive reflex profiles in infants: differences based on categories
of neurological abnormality. Brain Dev. ... Prospective follow-up of primitive reflex profiles in
high-risk infants: clues to an early diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Pediatr Neurol. ...
M Berényi, F Katona, C Sanchez… - Ideggyógyászati …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... The group or profile of elementary neuromotor patterns is different from the primitive reflex group
which is now called the "primitive reflex profile." All these elementary neuromotor patterns are
characterized by a high degree of organization, persistence, and stereotypy. ...
K SUDO, Y MITO, Y TAJIMA, A MATSUMOTO… - In Vivo, 2011 - iv.iiarjournals.org
... Medline. ↵: Sudo K,; Matsuyama T,; Goto Y,; Matsumoto A,; Tashiro K. : Elbow flexion response
as another primitive reflex. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 56: 131-137, 2002. ... Medline. ↵: Huber SJ,;
Paulson GW. : Relationship between primitive reflexes and severity in Parkinson's disease ...
WJ Barrow, M Jaworski… - Journal of Child Neurology, 2011 - jcn.sagepub.com
... Therapists who treat persisting primitive reflex patterns in older children often identify the presence
of a residual tonic labyrinthine supine reflex by the presence of associated findings such as
variations in tone, balance, and coordination.7 Since persistent toe walking is ...
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