MN Simmons - Current Opinion in Urology, 2011 - ... The acronym 'RENAL' refers to tumor (R)adius, (E)xophytic extent, (N)earness to the renal sinus, (A)nterior/posterior location, and (L)ocation relative to the polar lines. In terms of (R)adius, points are based on TNM staging criteria ... Cited by 1 - All 4 versions
RI Peinador, JI Calvo, K ToVinh, V Thom… - Journal of Membrane …, 2011 - Elsevier ... 6 rp,min rp,max Page 21 of 25 Ac ce pte d M an usc rip t Fig. 7 LRV / dimensionless 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LLDPP ore R adius / nm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 rp,mean rp,max rp,min Phage Retention r2 = 0.697 r2 = 0.330 r2 = 0.155 Page 22 of 25 Ac ce pte d M an usc rip t Fig. ...