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CC Huang - 2011 - etd.lib.nsysu.edu.tw
For almost a century, as industrial development and population growth, unrestrained use of fossil
fuels, and large-scale deforestation by burning, which produce excessive greenhouse
gases, causing global warming and climate change. The author of "The world is flat", ...
A Simmons - Policing, 2011 - policing.oxfordjournals.org
... Fafinski, Stefan (2009). Computer Misuse: Response, Regulation and the Law. Stefan
Fafinski (2009). Computer Misuse: Response, Regulation and the Law Cullompton:
Willan Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-84392-380-0 (Hardback ...
All 3 versions
D MacGlashan Jr - Inflammation and Allergy Drug Design, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Basophils and the i nnate i mmune r esponse The IgE - mediated response in basophils
is but one way that these cells can be stimulated to secrete medi- ators or initiate other
functionality. ... Mediators of the i nflammatory r esponse ...
EJ Favaloro - Thrombosis Research, 2011 - Elsevier
... S18 EJ Favaloro/Thrombosis Research 127 (2011) S17 S21 T able 1 Classification sc heme
for v on Willebr and disease, pheno typic pr esentation, pheno typic pr oblems and desmopr essin
r esponse pr ofile VWD type Descrip tion Comments Pheno typic pr esentation Pheno ...
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