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G Cliff… - Marine and Freshwater Research, 2011 - CSIRO
... 2007–F ebruary 2010 (drumlines) Mean sd %rel. Mean sd %rel. Mean sd %rel. Mean sd %rel.
Ca rcharh inus amboinen sis Java/pigey e 1 7 10.2 10 11 5.1 13 10 4.7 17 0 0.0 – Ca rcharh
inus brach yurus Co pper/b ronze whaler 149 137.8 8 79 56.5 21 15 16.7 19 6 4.2 5 ...
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J Hohwy - Consciousness and Cognition, 2011 - Elsevier
... just a kind of functionalism. Neisser too distances his proposal from these notions
but he does offer an alternative, namely a strengthened version of Mackie's analysis
of causes as inus conditions. The strengthening is with a ...
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CR Grünig, V Queloz… - Endophytes of Forest Trees, 2011 - Springer
... 443.86 DSE P h ialocephala fortinii ss Suonenjoki, Finlan d Root of P inus sylvestris H .E . W
ilcox type strain G runig et al. 2008a A Y 033087 UA M H 6816 ... 720-2 D SE A cephala sp . 2 K
ev o , F inland Root of P inus sylvestris V. Q u elo z m o l G runig et al. 2009 E U 434827 ...
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L Verzé, A Nasi, F Quaranta, V Vasino… - Journal of …, 2011 - journals.lww.com
... voluntary movements. Data were processed by Cyberware Echo (Cyberware, Inc)
and Inus Rapidform 2004 software (INUS Technologies Inc, Seoul, South Korea).
Each movement was assigned a main landmark. The facial ...
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[PDF] from hqlo.comLWC Ng, ES Tai, SY Goh… - Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2011 - hqlo.com
... etw een grou p s. O utcom e G roups D ifference w ithin groups P value w ithin groups D ifference
betw een groups P value W eek 0 W eek 8 W eek 8 m inus W eek 0 W eek 8 m inus W eek 0 W
eek 8 m inus W eek 0 B etw een groups P R T (n = 30) A T (n = 30) P R T (n = 30) ...
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