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[PDF] from eurosurveillance.orgI Huber, H Campe, D Sebah, C Hartberger… - Euro …, 2011 - eurosurveillance.org
... ictive valu e of th em u ltiplex assay A ll sin gle a ssa ys C t<34 in the sin gle a ssa ys C t>34 in
the sin gle a ssa ys Samp le s Sen sitivity S pecificity PPV NPV Samp le s Sen sitivity S pecificity
PPV NPV Samp le s Sen sitivity S pecificity PPV NPV Se a son al influen za A 47 ...
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X Zhou, X Sun, KL Cooper, F Wang, KJ Liu… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
... untreated cells. We observed comparable decreases in zinc content for XPA
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[PDF] from biomedcentral.comG Batra, S Nemani, P Tyagi… - BMC Infectious …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
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(N um ber of sera that scored negative by our test/N ...
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X Yang, L Beason-Held, SM Resnick… - NeuroImage, 2011 - Elsevier
... 99 5 , # . ; @ 6. . . . . 9 ) < . ; - 99 5 , < 1 . CD AC CE PT ED M AN US CR IPT ACCEPTED
MANUSCRIPT + 6 ) ' 1 , 9 < , audate utamen ensitivity pecificity ensitivity pecificity BPM on data
without outliers 99.95% 0.067% 99.89% 0.11% 97.21% 0.23% 99.87% 0.14% BPM on data ...
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[PDF] from biomedcentral.comM Ditmyer, G Dounis, K Howard, C Mobley… - BMC oral …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
... b + d T otal p op u lation a + b + c + d C alcu lation s S pecificity a/a+ c S ensitivity d/b+ d P redictive
V alue P ositive a/a+ b ... 20 T able 3. S um m ary T able of C om putations by A cadem ic Y ear for
S pecificity, S ensitivity, P V P , P V N , and P revalence Y ear P redictive V alue % ...
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