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JJ Doucet… - Ryan's Ballistic Trauma, 2011 - Springer
The genitourinary system lies in the retroperitoneal space and shares the perineum with the
rectum and major neurovascular structures. As a result, penetrating trauma to the genito- urinary
system usually is associated with injury to multiple organ systems and requires a ...
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JF Holmes - Trauma: A Comprehensive Emergency Medicine …, 2011 - books.google.com
Section 2 The injured patient Chapter 14 Genitourinary trauma James F. Holmes Epidemiology
Following splenic and hepatic injuries, renal injuries are the third most commonly injured abdominal
structure, affecting 10% of patients with major trau- matic injuries. 1, 2 As with most ...
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MA Bjurlin, SM Goble, RJ Fantus… - Journal of the American …, 2011 - Elsevier
Of the 9,470 patients with GU trauma, 852 patients (9.0%) were 65 years old or older, and 8,618
patients (91.0%) were 18 to 64 years. GTPs were more likely to sustain injury to the bladder or
urethra (28.9% vs 20.5% p < 0.001), and less likely to the penis (0.5% vs 3.4% p < 0.001) ...
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PD Metcalfe… - Pediatric Urology, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Pediatric genitourinary trauma is uncommon but harbors several important differences
when compared to adult trauma. Although the fundamental principles apply for renal trauma,
the urologist must appreciate the different clinical responses to trauma in children with ...
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[HTML] from modernmedicine.comC Fitzgerald… - 2011 - modernmedicine.com
For practicing urologists, triaging genitourinary care for children can be more
difficult than it is for adults, but it doesn't have to be. Clear and concise GU
diagnosis and treatment should help maximize overall care.

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