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BS Katzenellenbogen, AS Belmont, DJ Shapiro… - 2011 - ideals.illinois.edu
Among the first diagnostic tests performed upon finding a tumor in the breast is the determination
of the expression of three proteins: the Estrogen Receptor α (ERα), the Progesterone Receptor
(PR) and Heregulin 2 (HER2). The ER, though often considered responsible for driving ...
Cached - All 2 versions

[CITATION] 17ß-Estradiol Increases Astrocytic Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Adult Female Rat Hippocampus

S Barouk, T Hintz, P Li, AM Duffy, NJ MacLusky… - 2011
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17β-Estradiol (E2) regulates estrogen receptor-α (ERα) target gene transcription through the
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