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Separation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content of sodium carbonate in cefamandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time and vacuum degree on the results were explored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sample was dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication, and filtered. Then, the filtered residue was further dissolved in water, and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under addition levels of 80%, 100% and 120%, the spiked recovery rate of sodium carbonate was between 96.0% and 96.8% with relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate that the method is simple, fast and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefamandole nafate for injection.
A sSeparation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content the of sodium carbonate content in cefamandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time, and vacuum degree strength on the results were explored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sample was dissolved in dDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication , and filtered. Then, the The filtered residue was then further dissolved in water , and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under At addition levels of 80%, 100%, and 120% addition levels, the spiked recovery rate of sodium carbonate was between 96.0% and 96.8% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate suggest that the method is simple, fast, and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefamandole nafate for injection.
A sSeparation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content the of sodium carbonate content in cefamandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time, and vacuum degree strength on the results were explored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sample was dissolved in dDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication , and filtered. Then, the The filtered residue was then further dissolved in water , and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under At addition levels of 80%, 100%, and 120% addition levels, the spiked recovery rate of the spiked sodium carbonate was between 96.0-% and 96.8% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate suggest that the method is simple, fast, and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefamandole nafate for injection.
A separation technique was used to establish a new method to measure the sodium carbonate content in cefamandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influence of drying temperature, drying time, and vacuum strength were explored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sample was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication and filtered. The filtered residue was then further dissolved in water and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. At 80%, 100%, and 120% addition levels, the recovery of the spiked sodium carbonate was 96.0–96.8% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results suggest that the method is simple, fast, and accurate, which can be used to measure sodium carbonate in cefamandole nafate for injection.
From a historical perspective, when the production capacity of an entire society is insufficient, most of the pressure for competition is concentrated on the demand side, and mankind often redistributes resources through warfare. When there is excess production capacity for an entire society, the pressure for competition shifts from the demand side to the supply side. Supply-side competition is what is called today competition between companies.
The process of shifting competition from the demand side to the supply side is what we call the "venting period." During the venting period, because market demand has not been met, the main responsibility of companies is to produce qualified products. There is no upper limit to the expansion of the industry during this period. All-out expansion can often lead to the formation of very large-scale companies.
When the venting period is over, then production capacity surpluses begin to emerge, and companies must answer the question: "How do I get consumers to choose me over my competitors? The vehicle through which a company operates is its brand. Competition between companies is actually competition between brands.
From an historical perspective, when the production capacity of an entire society is insufficient, most of the competitive pressure for competition is concentrated on the demand side, and. At this point, mankind often redistributes redistribution of resources tends to occur through warfare. When there is excess production capacity for an entire society, the competitive pressure for competition shifts from the demand side to the supply side. Supply-side competition is what is called todaymanifests itself in competition between companies.
The process of shifting competition from the demand side to the supply side is what we call termed the "venting period." During the venting period, because market demand has not been met, the main responsibility of companies is to produce qualified products. There is no upper limit to the expansion of the an industry during this periodtime. All-out expansion can often lead to the formation of very large-scale companies.
When the venting period is over, then production capacity surpluses begin to emerge, and c. Companies must answer the question: , "How do I get consumers to choose me my products over my competitors’ products? The vehicle through which a company operates is its brand. Competition between companies is actually tantamount to competition between brands.
From an historical perspective, when the production capacity of an entire society is insufficient, most of the competitive pressure for competition is concentrated on the demand side, and. At this point, mankind often redistributes redistribution of resources tends to occur through warfare. When there is excess production capacity for an entire society, the competitive pressure for competition shifts from the demand side to the supply side. Supply-side competition is what is called todaymanifests itself in competition between companies.
The process of shifting competition from the demand side to the supply side is what we call termed the "venting period." During the venting period, because market demand has not been met, the main responsibility of companies is to produce qualified products. There is no upper limit to the expansion of the an industry during this periodtime. All-out expansion can often lead to the formation of very large-scale companies.
When the venting period is over, then production capacity surpluses begin to emerge, and c. Companies must answer the question: , "How do I get consumers to choose me my products over my competitors’ products?" The vehicle through which a company operates is its brand. Competition between companies is actually tantamount to competition between brands.
From a historical perspective, when the production capacity of an entire society is insufficient, most of the competitive pressure is concentrated on the demand side. At this point, redistribution of resources tends to occur through warfare. When there is excess production capacity for an entire society, the competitive pressure shifts from the demand side to the supply side. Supply-side competition manifests itself in competition between companies.
The process of shifting competition from the demand side to the supply side is termed the "venting period." During the venting period, because market demand has not been met, the main responsibility of companies is to produce qualified products. There is no upper limit to the expansion of an industry during this time. All-out expansion can often lead to the formation of very large-scale companies.
When the venting period is over, production surpluses begin to emerge. Companies must answer the question, "How do I get consumers to choose my products over my competitors’ products?" The vehicle through which a company operates is its brand. Competition between companies is tantamount to competition between brands.
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