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P Broser, F Vargha-Khadem… - NeuroImage, 2011 - Elsevier
... Then the center of mass was calculated according to the following formula: r X ( F i ) = rx *
F i ( rx ) rx T halamus MNI space F i ( rx ) rx T halamus MNI space . Only if the distribution
is convex is the center of mass bound to lie within the distribution. ...
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M Kask, P Pruunsild… - Biochemical and Biophysical Research …, 2011 - Elsevier
... VIIb % of LRRTM-directional activity 0255075100 pGL4.15/pLRRTM2 pGL4.15/pLRRTM1 -605
-604 -748 -275 II CTNNA1b CTNNA2b R elativelevelsof CTNNA b ( % of CTNNA a ) F rontalcortex
H ippocampus C audatenucleus S ubstantianigra T halamus C erebellum P ...
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[PDF] from cnr.itB Alfano, M Comerci, M Larobina, A Prinster… - Medical Image …, 2011 - Elsevier
... GMWMCSFP allidus P utamen T halamus C audate N ucleus S ubstantia N igra R ed N ucleus
D entate N ucleus ICCL ow PDF at M uscle V itreoushumor ECCECF GM cc | | | | | cc | | | | | WM
ccccccccccc | | | | | CSF cc | | cc | | | cc | | | | | Pallidus | c | c | | | | | cc | | | | | Putamen | c | c ...
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