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[PDF] from netpoint.com.brJE Hall, TR McRackan… - The Laryngoscope, 2011 - sbccp.netpoint.com.br
BACKGROUND Although tympanoplasty with or without mastoi- dectomy is a common
procedure, failures of perforation closure are not a rare occurrence.1 Optimization of the tympanoplasty
procedure would lead to improved patient outcomes and increased patient satisfaction. ...
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MA Habib, MZ Huq, M Aktaruzzaman… - … medical journal: MMJ, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
This cross sectional study was done to find out the level of hearing improvement in Type-I tympanoplasty
with cortical mastoidectomy in tubotympanic chronic otitis media. Data were analyzed from 60
patients with audiometric studies with a minimum of 6 months follow up. Patients who ...
AJ Osborn, AL James… - Otolaryngology--Head and …, 2011 - oto.sagepub.com
Results: Of the 265 procedures, 10% were modified radical mastoidectomy. Congenital cholesteatoma
was more common in the the canal-wall-up group, while recurrent cholesteatoma was more common
in those who had a canal-wall-down procedure. The Mills score for those who had a ...
BJ Benscoter, J Marmora, JP Leonetti… - … --Head and Neck …, 2011 - oto.sagepub.com
Results: No significant change in bone-conduction hearing scores occurred postoperatively.
DHI and THI scores improved in the vast majority of patients. Thirteen patients, 13 out of 34
(38%), had DHI improvement greater than 18 points, indicating a significant patient- ...
E Thorpe… - Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, 2011 - oto.sagepub.com
Results: A total of 39 patients were found to have the procedure in question with 30 patients having
full audiograms for review. Pre- and postoperative pure tone averages (PTA) along with air-bone
gaps (ABG) were reviewed at 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz, and 4,000 Hz. Postoperative ...

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