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JM Pruet, KR Jasheway, LA Manzano… - European journal of …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Ricin is a potent toxin found in castor seeds. The A chain, RTA, enzymaticlly depurinates a specific
adenosine in ribosomal RNA, inhibiting protein synthesis. Ricin is a known chemical weapons
threat having no effective antidote. This makes the discovery of new inhibitors of great ...
A Porter, G Phillips, L Smith… - Toxicon, 2011 - Elsevier
To protect against ricin intoxication, a genetically derived ricin A chain vaccine candidate
(RVEc) was developed lacking the toxic N-glycosidase activity (Olson et al., 2004). The vaccine
protects animals against an aerosolized ricin holotoxin (RT) challenge (Carra et al., ...
All 2 versions
[PDF] from peerproject.euM Słomińska-Wojewódzka, I Sokołowska, S Wälchli… - 2011 - repository.peerproject.eu
Page 1. A single point mutation in ricin A-chain increases toxin ... Running title: Intracellular
transport of RTA (P250A) Key words: ricin A-chain, mutation P250A, endosomal-lysosomal
degradation, EDEM1, retrotranslocation, endoplamic reticulum ...
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[HTML] from warwick.ac.ukRA Spooner… - Current Topics in Microbiology and …, 2011 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
A number of protein toxins bind at the surface of mammalian cells and after endocytosis traffic
to the endoplasmic reticulum, where the toxic A chains are liberated from the holotoxin. The free
A chains are then dislocated, or retrotranslocated, across the ER membrane into the ...
N Tyagi… - … of pharmaceutical sciences: official journal of …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Ricin was encapsulated into various sterically stabilized liposomes having different density of
folate on the surface and the cytotoxicity of ricin in these liposomes was examined in KB
cells. The effect of monensin in free and various sterically stabilized liposomal forms ...

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