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O DAMMANN, D FERRIERO… - Pediatric Research, 2011 - journals.lww.com
In 1976, Sarnat and Sarnat ( 1 ) published a proposed staging system for neonatal
encephalopathy. They carefully used the term “neonatal encephalopathy” in the title.
However, in the abstract, they wrote about “postanoxic encephalopathy” and about “ ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
I Les, E Doval, R García-Martínez… - The American Journal …, 2011 - nature.com
Protein intake impacts on nutritional status and may determine the recurrence of hepatic encephalopathy
(HE). A low-protein diet has been considered the standard treatment after an episode of HE,
while branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) have been shown to improve minimal HE. We ...
Cited by 4 - All 3 versions
SM LaRoche… - Seizure, 2011 - Elsevier
A 61 year old woman with a history of chronic alcoholism was admitted at an outside hospital
for confusion thought to be secondary to an alcohol withdrawal seizure. She had right hemiparesis
and later developed right facial twitching that did not respond to intravenous fosphenytoin ...
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HC Cheong, YB Cho, TH Kim… - 대한간학회지, 2011 - papersearch.net
Encephalopathy is a disorder characterized by altered brain function, which can be attributed
to various causes. Encephalopathy associated with metronidazole administration occurs rarely
and depends on the cumulative metronidazole dose, and most patients with this condition ...
A Kumar… - Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2011 - Soc Nuclear Med
Sometimes childhood epilepsy may present with an acute onset of catastrophic seizures, rapidly
progressing to intractable status epilepticus with poor outcome. One such example is postencephalitic
epilepsy (1), which is a rare epileptic condition and is characterized by different names, ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
O DAMMANN, D FERRIERO… - Pediatric Research, 2011 - journals.lww.com
In 1976, Sarnat and Sarnat ( 1 ) published a proposed staging system for neonatal
encephalopathy. They carefully used the term “neonatal encephalopathy” in the title.
However, in the abstract, they wrote about “postanoxic encephalopathy” and about “ ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
I Les, E Doval, R García-Martínez… - The American Journal …, 2011 - nature.com
Protein intake impacts on nutritional status and may determine the recurrence of hepatic encephalopathy
(HE). A low-protein diet has been considered the standard treatment after an episode of HE,
while branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) have been shown to improve minimal HE. We ...
Cited by 4 - All 3 versions
SM LaRoche… - Seizure, 2011 - Elsevier
A 61 year old woman with a history of chronic alcoholism was admitted at an outside hospital
for confusion thought to be secondary to an alcohol withdrawal seizure. She had right hemiparesis
and later developed right facial twitching that did not respond to intravenous fosphenytoin ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
HC Cheong, YB Cho, TH Kim… - 대한간학회지, 2011 - papersearch.net
Encephalopathy is a disorder characterized by altered brain function, which can be attributed
to various causes. Encephalopathy associated with metronidazole administration occurs rarely
and depends on the cumulative metronidazole dose, and most patients with this condition ...
A Kumar… - Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2011 - Soc Nuclear Med
Sometimes childhood epilepsy may present with an acute onset of catastrophic seizures, rapidly
progressing to intractable status epilepticus with poor outcome. One such example is postencephalitic
epilepsy (1), which is a rare epileptic condition and is characterized by different names, ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Rosen, A van Kuilenburg… - Case Reports in …, 2011 - content.karger.com
We present the case of a 19-year-old female with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, who received
two courses of chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in combination with folic acid and
cisplatin. Upon developing esophageal strictures in the course of her radiotherapy, she ...
O DAMMANN, D FERRIERO… - Pediatric Research, 2011 - journals.lww.com
In 1976, Sarnat and Sarnat ( 1 ) published a proposed staging system for neonatal
encephalopathy. They carefully used the term “neonatal encephalopathy” in the title.
However, in the abstract, they wrote about “postanoxic encephalopathy” and about “ ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
I Les, E Doval, R García-Martínez… - The American Journal …, 2011 - nature.com
Protein intake impacts on nutritional status and may determine the recurrence of hepatic encephalopathy
(HE). A low-protein diet has been considered the standard treatment after an episode of HE,
while branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) have been shown to improve minimal HE. We ...
Cited by 4 - All 3 versions
SM LaRoche… - Seizure, 2011 - Elsevier
A 61 year old woman with a history of chronic alcoholism was admitted at an outside hospital
for confusion thought to be secondary to an alcohol withdrawal seizure. She had right hemiparesis
and later developed right facial twitching that did not respond to intravenous fosphenytoin ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
HC Cheong, YB Cho, TH Kim… - 대한간학회지, 2011 - papersearch.net
Encephalopathy is a disorder characterized by altered brain function, which can be attributed
to various causes. Encephalopathy associated with metronidazole administration occurs rarely
and depends on the cumulative metronidazole dose, and most patients with this condition ...

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