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CS Rigsby, A Ergul, VP Dobos, DM Pollock… - American Journal of …, 2011 - nature.com
Spironolactone had no effect on blood pressure as measured by telemetry. MCA myogenic tone
was enhanced in the SHRSP + spir. Spironolactone increased the MCA lumen diameter
(SHRSP: 223.3 ± 9.7 µm, SHRSP + spir: 283.7 ± 10.1 µm, WKY: 319.5 ± 8.8 µm, analysis ...
All 3 versions
T Antoniou, T Gomes, MM Mamdani, Z Yao… - BMJ, 2011 - bmj.com
Participants Cases were residents of Ontario aged 66 years or above receiving chronic treatment
with spironolactone and admitted to hospital with hyperkalaemia within 14 days of receiving
a prescription for either trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, norfloxacin, or ...
Cited by 1
KK Gaddam, C Corros, E Pimenta… - American Society of …, 2011 - espace.uq.edu.au
Gaddam, Krishna K., Corros, Cecilia, Pimenta, Eduardo, Husain, Saima, Gupta, Himanshu,
Lloyd, Steven G., Oparil, Suzanne, Husain, Ahsan, Dell'Italia, Louis J. and Calhoun, David A.
(2008). Aldosterone excess increases left and right heart volumes in patients with ...
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KK Gaddam, P Eduardo, S Inusah… - 61st Annual High …, 2011 - espace.uq.edu.au
Background: Hyperaldosteronism is being recognized to be increasingly prevalent particularly
in patients with resistant hypertension and is believed in addition to raising blood pressure
(BP) to induce cardiac fibrosis and LVH. We hypothesize that spironolactone a ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - Cached - All 4 versions
M Colakoglu, H Toy, MS Icen, M Vural… - Human …, 2011 - ESHRE
Abstracts of the 27th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 July – 6 July, 2011 ...
P-449 Sperm DNA fragmentation and testosterone insufficiency associated with absolute infertility
of Meig1 deficient males J. Don1, N. Golan1, T. Eldar1, R. Yaverboim1 1Bar - Ilan ...

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