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Q Guo, T Mori, Y Jiang, C Hu, Y Ohsaki… - Hypertension …, 2011 - nature.com
The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is involved in the pathogenesis of insulin sensitivity
(IS). The role of RAS in insulin resistance and muscular circulation has yet to be elucidated.
Therefore, this study sought to determine the mechanisms of angiotensin II receptor ...
A Kamura, T Inoue, S Kuroki, S Ishida… - Hypertension …, 2011 - nature.com
The aim of the Saga Challenge Antihypertensive Study (S-CATS), a single-arm, prospective
and multi-center trial, was to evaluate the effectiveness of combined antihypertensive treatment
with losartan and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). Enrolled in the study were a total of 161 ...
[PDF] from wayne.eduCFMDC Fisher - 2011 - med.wayne.edu
... Page 21. JNC7: Treatment ∎ Lifestyle changes for all HTN patients ∎ Thiazide diuretics initial
treatment for most patients, unless “compelling” conditions ... Lifestyle changes for all HTN patients ∎
Thiazide diuretics initial treatment for most patients, unless “compelling” conditions ...
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MCS Wong, X Su, JY Jiang, JL Tang… - Hypertension …, 2011 - nature.com
This study tested the hypothesis that younger, male patients or new clinic visitors, who were prescribed
thiazide diuretics were more likely to have drug discontinuation and switching. All adult patients
who visited any primary care clinic in one territory of Hong Kong, and who were ...
Cited by 1 - All 3 versions
KK Gaddam, C Corros, E Pimenta… - American Society of …, 2011 - espace.uq.edu.au
Gaddam, Krishna K., Corros, Cecilia, Pimenta, Eduardo, Husain, Saima, Gupta, Himanshu,
Lloyd, Steven G., Oparil, Suzanne, Husain, Ahsan, Dell'Italia, Louis J. and Calhoun, David A.
(2008). Aldosterone excess increases left and right heart volumes in patients with ...
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