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R Fallows, K McCoy, J Hertza… - Archives of Clinical …, 2011 - acn.oxfordjournals.org
Objective: The seminal paper on cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome by Schmahmann and
Sherman (1998), and sub- sequent studies, has expanded our understanding of the role of the
cerebellum beyond motor functioning to psychological and cognitive functioning. ...
SR Fisher, JE Graham, CJ Brown… - Age and …, 2011 - Br Geriatrics Soc
SIR—The adverse effects of low mobility in older hospitalised persons are well documented
[1, 2]. The amount of time patients are limited to a bed or chair is an independent predictor of
functional decline even after controlling for illness severity [3]. Ambulation is a potentially ...
[HTML] from molbiolcell.orgA Gentile, G Toietta, V Pazzano… - Molecular Biology of …, 2011 - Am Soc Cell Biol
Recent studies have underscored a role for the epicardium as a source of multipotent cells.
Here, we investigate the myogenic potential of adult human epicardium-derived cells
(EPDCs) and analyze their ability to undergo skeletal myogenesis when cultured with ...
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R Mangla, B Kolar, T Zhu, J Zhong… - American Journal …, 2011 - Am Soc Neuroradiology
RESULTS: Mean PSR was high (113.15 ± 41.59) in lymphoma, intermediate in GBM (78.22 ±
14.27), and low in metastases (53.46 ± 12.87) with a P value < .000. F values obtained from
1-way ANOVA analysis for mean, min, and max PSR ratios were 29.9, 39.4, and 23.4, ...
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[CITATION] CD34+ hematopoietic precursors are present in human decidua and differentiate into NK cells upon interaction with stromal cells

P Vacca, C Vitale, E Montaldo - Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2011
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