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K Schneider, C Emery, J Kang… - British Journal of …, 2011 - bjsportmed.com
Are pre-season reports of neck pain, dizziness and/or headaches risk factors for concussion
in male youth ice hockey players? ... Background Concussion is a commonly encountered injury
associated with potential long-term sequelae. No previous studies have evaluated ...
All 5 versions
D Jacquelien, M Otto… - 2011 - doaj.org
In a cross-sectional study we included 417 consecutive patients of 65 years and older presenting
with dizziness to 45 general practitioners in the Netherlands from July 2006 to January
2008. We performed tests, including patient history, and physical and additional ...
JM Treleaven - 2011 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
... Dizziness and unsteadiness in whiplash associated disorders: The role of cervical afferent function.
Treleaven, JM (2004). ... Author(s), Treleaven, JM. Thesis Title, Dizziness and unsteadiness in
whiplash associated disorders: The role of cervical afferent function. ...
J Dros, OR Maarsingh, L Beem… - Health and Quality of …, 2011 - hqlo.com
In a cross-sectional study we included 417 consecutive patients of 65 years and older presenting
with dizziness to 45 general practitioners in the Netherlands from July 2006 to January
2008. We performed tests, including patient history, and physical and additional ...
Cached - All 4 versions
WC Yang, JY Chen, KH Wu… - Pediatrics & Neonatology, 2011 - Elsevier
Dizziness, diplopia, and nystagmus may be nonspecific symptoms and in part attributed to central
causes. We report a case with brain stem lesion and discuss these nonspecific symptoms. A
13-year-old boy presented to our emergency department with a lasting dizziness for 1 ...
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