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N JAIN, PC LAI… - 2011 - iadr.confex.com
Methods: Experimental gingivitis was induced over 21 days in one maxillary posterior sextant
in four periodontally healthy subjects. Subjects were then given 500 mg of azithromycin followed
by 250 mg 24 hours later. After the final dose, plaque was removed from the gingivitis site. ...
GE Salvi, M Aglietta, S Eick… - Clinical Oral …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Corresponding author: Prof. Dr Giovanni E. Salvi Department of Periodontology School of Dental
Medicine University of Bern Freiburgstrasse 7 CH-3010 Bern Switzerland Tel.: þ 41 31 632 35
51 Fax: þ þ 41 31 632 49 15 e-mail: giovanni.salvi@zmk.unibe.ch
Cited by 2
A Orozco, E Gemmell, M Bickel… - Australian Dental …, 2011 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
... IL-1 beta, IL-12 and IL-18 levels in gingival fluid and serum of patients with gingivitis and
periodontitis. Orozco, A., Gemmell, E., Bickel, M. and Seymour, GJ (2007) IL-1 beta, IL-12 and
IL-18 levels in gingival fluid and serum of patients with gingivitis and periodontitis. ...
Cached - BL Direct - All 3 versions
NP Lang, DD Bosshardt… - Journal of Clinical …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Do mucositis lesions around implants differ from gingivitis lesions around teeth? ... Conflict of
interest and source of funding statement The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interests. The work has been funded by the Clinical Research Foundation (CRF) for the ...
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S Slawik, I Staufenbiel, R Schilke… - European Journal of …, 2011 - nature.com
Twenty-eight adults with healthy gingiva took part in a prospective and clinical-controlled
study. The test group was advised to consume a probiotic milk drink (Yacult) daily during a period
of 4 weeks; the control group did not receive any probiotic food or drink. After 2 weeks of ...
All 3 versions

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