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…, S Yürek, H Flick, P Hemolysis - Emerging Infectious …, 2011 - medscape.com
Multicenter trials in Southeast Asia have shown better survival rates among patients with severe
malaria, particularly those with high parasitemia levels, treated with intravenous (IV) artesunate
than among those treated with quinine. In Europe, quinine is still the primary treatment for ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 5 versions
E Ciantar… - Women's Health, 2011 - Future Medicine
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia have been known to us for centuries. Significant improvements
have been made in our knowledge of the disease, however, delivery remains the only effective
form of treatment. There is widespread variation of practice in the management of ...
T Streichert, B Otto, C Schnabel… - Clinical …, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
METHODS: We drew duplicate blood samples from 30 volunteers. One sample was hand
transported, and the other sample was transported through a PTS to- gether with a mini–data
logger that provided con- tinuous measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, and ...
Cited by 1
M Olari, V Bourgeois, S Haouzir… - European Psychiatry, 2011 - Elsevier
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzyme deficiency
worldwide. In this condition acute hemolysis is caused by exposure to an oxidative stressor in
the form of an oxidative drug, an infection or aliments. G6PD deficiency can be associated ...
[HTML] from hematologylibrary.orgJ Chen, WE Hobbs, J Le, PJ Lenting… - …, 2011 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org
Vaso-occlusion, hemolysis, and oxidative stress are hallmarks of sickle cell disease (SCD). This
pathology is accompanied by systemic endothelial activation, rendering the endothelium more
adhesive for blood cells, including sickle erythrocytes. Activated endothelial cells display ...
Related articles - All 3 versions
…, S Yürek, H Flick, P Hemolysis - Emerging Infectious …, 2011 - medscape.com
Multicenter trials in Southeast Asia have shown better survival rates among patients with severe
malaria, particularly those with high parasitemia levels, treated with intravenous (IV) artesunate
than among those treated with quinine. In Europe, quinine is still the primary treatment for ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 5 versions
E Ciantar… - Women's Health, 2011 - Future Medicine
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia have been known to us for centuries. Significant improvements
have been made in our knowledge of the disease, however, delivery remains the only effective
form of treatment. There is widespread variation of practice in the management of ...
T Streichert, B Otto, C Schnabel… - Clinical …, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
METHODS: We drew duplicate blood samples from 30 volunteers. One sample was hand
transported, and the other sample was transported through a PTS to- gether with a mini–data
logger that provided con- tinuous measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, and ...
Cited by 1
M Olari, V Bourgeois, S Haouzir… - European Psychiatry, 2011 - Elsevier
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzyme deficiency
worldwide. In this condition acute hemolysis is caused by exposure to an oxidative stressor in
the form of an oxidative drug, an infection or aliments. G6PD deficiency can be associated ...
[HTML] from hematologylibrary.orgJ Chen, WE Hobbs, J Le, PJ Lenting… - …, 2011 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org
Vaso-occlusion, hemolysis, and oxidative stress are hallmarks of sickle cell disease (SCD). This
pathology is accompanied by systemic endothelial activation, rendering the endothelium more
adhesive for blood cells, including sickle erythrocytes. Activated endothelial cells display ...
Related articles - All 3 versions
…, S Yürek, H Flick, P Hemolysis - Emerging Infectious …, 2011 - medscape.com
Multicenter trials in Southeast Asia have shown better survival rates among patients with severe
malaria, particularly those with high parasitemia levels, treated with intravenous (IV) artesunate
than among those treated with quinine. In Europe, quinine is still the primary treatment for ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 5 versions
E Ciantar… - Women's Health, 2011 - Future Medicine
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia have been known to us for centuries. Significant
improvements have been made in our knowledge of the disease, however, delivery remains
the only effective form of treatment. There is widespread variation of practice in the ...
T Streichert, B Otto, C Schnabel… - Clinical …, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
METHODS: We drew duplicate blood samples from 30 volunteers. One sample was hand
transported, and the other sample was transported through a PTS to- gether with a mini–data
logger that provided con- tinuous measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, and ...
Cited by 1
M Olari, V Bourgeois, S Haouzir… - European Psychiatry, 2011 - Elsevier
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzyme deficiency
worldwide. In this condition acute hemolysis is caused by exposure to an oxidative stressor in
the form of an oxidative drug, an infection or aliments. G6PD deficiency can be associated ...
[HTML] from hematologylibrary.orgJ Chen, WE Hobbs, J Le, PJ Lenting… - …, 2011 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org
Vaso-occlusion, hemolysis, and oxidative stress are hallmarks of sickle cell disease (SCD). This
pathology is accompanied by systemic endothelial activation, rendering the endothelium more
adhesive for blood cells, including sickle erythrocytes. Activated endothelial cells display ...
Related articles - All 3 versions

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