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GK Alderton - Nature Reviews Cancer, 2011 - nature.com
Moran-Crusio, Reavie, Shih and colleagues targeted exon 3 of Tet2 to generate a conditional
knockout in the haematopoietic compartment (vav-cre;Tet2 f/f ). They found that Tet2-deficient
LIN − SCA1 + KIT + (LSK) progenitor cells were more able to undergo serial replating in ...
[HTML] from hematologylibrary.orgR Küppers - Blood, 2011 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org
The role of genetic lesions in the pathogenesis of B-cell lymphomas is well appreciated. 2 We
know now multiple transforming events that play key roles in the generation of malignant B
cells. For example, chromosomal translocations involving one of the immunoglobulin (Ig) ...
[PDF] from bjcancer.orgL Pasqualucci, D Dominguez-Sola, A Chiarenza… - Nature, 2011 - nature.com
B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma comprises biologically and clinically distinct diseases the pathogenesis
of which is associated with genetic lesions affecting oncogenes and tumour-suppressor
genes. We report here that the two most common types—follicular lymphoma and diffuse ...
Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 7 versions
KI Quintyne, E Mulcahy, F Wallis… - BMJ Case …, 2011 - casereports.bmj.com
The authors report the case of a 51-year-old man who presented with left-sided abdominal pain
and weight loss associated with drenching night sweats. Preliminary blood tests yielded no specific
cause for his symptoms, but abdominal ultrasound revealed multiple hepatic lesions and ...
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T Shah, M Ismail… - American Journal of Respiratory …, 2011 - Am Thoracic Soc
Introduction: It is less common to have pulmonary involvement with lymphoma. Very rarely a
non hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) can present with endobronchial lesion. Finding a solitary endobronchial
lesion causing complete collapse of one lung is even rarer. Here, we present a case of ...
All 3 versions

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