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G Ferrante, M Nakano, F Prati, G Niccoli… - Circulation, 2011 - Am Heart Assoc
References 1. Ferrante G, Nakano M, Prati F, Niccoli G, Mallus MT, Ramazzotti V, Montone
RA, Kolodgie FD, Virmani R, Crea F. High levels of systemic myeloperoxidase are associated
with coronary plaque erosion in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a ...
[HTML] from nih.govWH Tang, Y Wu, SJ Nicholls… - Clinical chemistry, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
RESULTS: The median plasma MPO concentration was 101 pmol/L (interquartile range 68–187
pmol/L). Patients with plasma MPO concentrations >322 pmol/L (14.6% of population) had increased
risk of developing future MACEs [hazard ratio (HR) 1.78, 95% CI 1.33–2.37, P < 0.001], ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 5 versions
Y Nazligul, M Aslan, M Horoz, Y Celik… - Clinical …, 2011 - Elsevier
Myeloperoxidase activity has been investigated after eradication of Helicobacter pylori
(H.pylori) in infected patients in previous studies but the results are controversial. The aim of
this study was to the effect on serum myeloperoxidase activity and oxidative status of ...
All 2 versions
AK Tiden, T Sjogren, M Svensson, A Berlind… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
Anna-Karin Tidén§, Tove Sjögren¶, Mats Svensson#, Alexandra Bernlind#, Revathy
Senthilmohan*, Francoise Auchère*, Henrietta Norman#, Per-Olof Markgren#, Susanne
Gustavsson#, Staffan Schmidt#, Stefan Lundquist#, Louisa V Forbes*, Nicholas J ...
O Skaff, DI Pattison, PE Morgan… - The Biochemical …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Elevated myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels are associated with multiple human inflammatory
pathologies. MPO catalyzes the oxidation of Cl-, Br- and SCN- by H2O2 to generate the powerful
oxidants hypochlorous acid (HOCl), hypobromous acid (HOBr) and hypothiocyanous acid ...
G Ferrante, M Nakano, F Prati, G Niccoli… - Circulation, 2011 - Am Heart Assoc
References 1. Ferrante G, Nakano M, Prati F, Niccoli G, Mallus MT, Ramazzotti V, Montone
RA, Kolodgie FD, Virmani R, Crea F. High levels of systemic myeloperoxidase are associated
with coronary plaque erosion in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a ...
[HTML] from nih.govWH Tang, Y Wu, SJ Nicholls… - Clinical chemistry, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
RESULTS: The median plasma MPO concentration was 101 pmol/L (interquartile range 68–187
pmol/L). Patients with plasma MPO concentrations >322 pmol/L (14.6% of population) had increased
risk of developing future MACEs [hazard ratio (HR) 1.78, 95% CI 1.33–2.37, P < 0.001], ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 5 versions
Y Nazligul, M Aslan, M Horoz, Y Celik… - Clinical …, 2011 - Elsevier
Myeloperoxidase activity has been investigated after eradication of Helicobacter pylori
(H.pylori) in infected patients in previous studies but the results are controversial. The aim of
this study was to the effect on serum myeloperoxidase activity and oxidative status of ...
All 2 versions
AK Tiden, T Sjogren, M Svensson, A Berlind… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
Anna-Karin Tidén§, Tove Sjögren¶, Mats Svensson#, Alexandra Bernlind#, Revathy
Senthilmohan*, Francoise Auchère*, Henrietta Norman#, Per-Olof Markgren#, Susanne
Gustavsson#, Staffan Schmidt#, Stefan Lundquist#, Louisa V Forbes*, Nicholas J ...
O Skaff, DI Pattison, PE Morgan… - The Biochemical …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Elevated myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels are associated with multiple human inflammatory
pathologies. MPO catalyzes the oxidation of Cl-, Br- and SCN- by H2O2 to generate the powerful
oxidants hypochlorous acid (HOCl), hypobromous acid (HOBr) and hypothiocyanous acid ...
G Ferrante, M Nakano, F Prati, G Niccoli… - Circulation, 2011 - Am Heart Assoc
References 1. Ferrante G, Nakano M, Prati F, Niccoli G, Mallus MT, Ramazzotti V, Montone
RA, Kolodgie FD, Virmani R, Crea F. High levels of systemic myeloperoxidase are associated
with coronary plaque erosion in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a ...
[HTML] from nih.govWH Tang, Y Wu, SJ Nicholls… - Clinical chemistry, 2011 - Am Assoc Clin Chem
RESULTS: The median plasma MPO concentration was 101 pmol/L (interquartile range 68–187
pmol/L). Patients with plasma MPO concentrations >322 pmol/L (14.6% of population) had increased
risk of developing future MACEs [hazard ratio (HR) 1.78, 95% CI 1.33–2.37, P < 0.001], ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 5 versions
Y Nazligul, M Aslan, M Horoz, Y Celik… - Clinical …, 2011 - Elsevier
Myeloperoxidase activity has been investigated after eradication of Helicobacter pylori
(H.pylori) in infected patients in previous studies but the results are controversial. The aim of
this study was to the effect on serum myeloperoxidase activity and oxidative status of ...
All 2 versions
AK Tiden, T Sjogren, M Svensson, A Berlind… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
Anna-Karin Tidén§, Tove Sjögren¶, Mats Svensson#, Alexandra Bernlind#, Revathy
Senthilmohan*, Francoise Auchère*, Henrietta Norman#, Per-Olof Markgren#, Susanne
Gustavsson#, Staffan Schmidt#, Stefan Lundquist#, Louisa V Forbes*, Nicholas J ...
O Skaff, DI Pattison, PE Morgan… - The Biochemical …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Elevated myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels are associated with multiple human inflammatory
pathologies. MPO catalyzes the oxidation of Cl-, Br- and SCN- by H2O2 to generate the powerful
oxidants hypochlorous acid (HOCl), hypobromous acid (HOBr) and hypothiocyanous acid ...

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