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D Hernandez-Verdun - The Nucleolus, 2011 - Springer
CDKs Cyclin dependent kinases CK2 Casein kinase 2 DFC Dense fibrillar component DRB
5,6-Dichloro-1-ribo-furanosylbenzimidazole EM Electron microscopy FC Fibrillar center FRET
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer GC Granular component GFC Giant FC NADs ...
FM Boisvert, Y Ahmad… - The Nucleolus, 2011 - Springer
The primary function of the nucleolus is as the site of ribosome subunit biogenesis in eukaryotic
cells. Nucleoli reassemble at the end of mitosis around the tandemly repeated clusters of rDNA
genes forming a subnuclear compartment that locally concentrates the dedicated ...
T Kuroda, A Murayama, N Katagiri, Y Ohta… - The EMBO …, 2011 - nature.com
A number of external and internal insults disrupt nucleolar structure, and the resulting nucleolar
stress stabilizes and activates p53. We show here that nucleolar disruption induces acetylation
and accumulation of p53 without phosphorylation. We identified three nucleolar proteins, ...
All 3 versions
MM Tajrishi, R Tuteja… - … & Integrative Biology, 2011 - landesbioscience.com
Nucleolin is multifunctional phosphoprotein ubiquitously distributed in the nucleolus, nucleus
and cytoplasm of the cell. Nucleolin has a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence and
is conserved in animals, plants and yeast. Its levels are correlated with the rate of ...
Cached - All 5 versions
HM Moore, B Bai, FM Boisvert, L Latonen… - Molecular & Cellular …, 2011 - ASBMB
Page 1. MS# MCP/2011/009241 R2 Quantitative Proteomics and Dynamic Imaging of the
Nucleolus Reveals Distinct Responses to UV and Ionizing Radiation ... Summary The nucleolus
is a nuclear organelle that coordinates rRNA transcription and ribosome subunit biogenesis. ...

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