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J Prowle, YL Liu, E Licari, S Bagshaw, M Egi… - Critical Care, 2011 - ccforum.com
We studied 239 patients during 723 days. Overall, 32 patients had AKI on ICU admission, while
in 23, AKI-Cr developed in ICU. Oliguria of greater than one hour was significantly associated
with AKI-Cr the next day. On receiver-operator characteristic area under the curve ...
E Macedo, R Malhotra, J Bouchard, SK Wynn… - Kidney …, 2011 - nature.com
Oliguria is a valuable marker of kidney function and a criterion for diagnosing and staging acute
kidney injury (AKI). However, the utility of urine output as a specific metric for renal dysfunction
is somewhat controversial. To study this issue further we tested whether urine output is a ...
All 3 versions
A Roman, M Suball, V Piersoel, T El Mahi… - Critical Care, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A prospective observational study enrolling adult ICU patients developing a first episode of oliguria
defined as urinary output lower than 0.5 ml/kg/hour for at least only 2 consecutive hours despite
conventional treatment and appropriate fluid resuscitation. pNGAL (Biosite, Inverness, ...
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JM Kim, SJ Kim, JW Joh, CHD Kwon… - Transplantation …, 2011 - Elsevier
The group included 26 recipients whose terminal serum creatinine level (P < .001), estimated
glomerular filtration rates (P < .001), and deceased donor scores (P < .001) were higher than
those of the control group. Delayed graft function (P = .044) occurred more often among ...
YJ Su, CH Lee, SC Huang… - American Journal of Kidney …, 2011 - ajkd.org
« PreviousNext »American Journal of Kidney Diseases Volume 57, Issue 4 , Pages
A23-A25, April 2011. Quiz Page April 2011: A Woman With Oliguria. Yu-Jen Su, MD:
Affiliations. Yu-Jen Su and Chih-Hsiung Lee contributed equally to the article. ...
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