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WC Zamboni, JL Eiseman… - Journal of …, 2011 - informahealthcare.com
Liposomes, such as pegylated-liposomal CKD-602 (S-CKD602), undergo catabolism by macrophages
and dendritic cells (DCs) of the reticuloendothelial system (RES). The relationship between plasma
and tumor disposition of S-CKD602 and RES was evaluated in mice bearing A375 ...
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LM Kaminskas, BJ Boyd - Intracellular Delivery, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Nanomaterials have potential as drug delivery vectors that can improve the chemical
stability and pharmacokinetic profile of small molecule drugs or improve drug uptake into solid
tumours. However, one consequence of the use of nanosized drug delivery vectors is ...
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[PDF] from icar.org.inRM Nair, KC George, NK Sanil… - Indian Journal of …, 2011 - epubs.icar.org.in
Reticuloendothelial system (RES) is the system of phagocytic cells dispersed throughout the
body to remove dead cells and particulate matter from circulation. In fishes the reticuloendothelial
system is also the most efficient clearing system during a microbial attack and is an im- ...
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B Bahmani, S Gupta, V Vullev… - Proceedings of SPIE, 2011 - link.aip.org
Optically active nanoparticles are widely pursued as exogenous chromophores in diagnostic
imaging and phototherapeutic applications. However, the blood circulation time of nanoparticles
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KS Yadav, K Chuttani, AK Mishra… - PDA Journal of …, 2011 - journal.pda.org
... E-mail: dr_krutikasawant{at}yahoo.co.in, khush.yadav{at}gmail.com. Abstract. Approaches used
to avoid uptake of the injected particles by the reticuloendothelial system include modification
of the particle properties such as surface charge and particle size. ...
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