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R Krencik, JP Weick, Y Liu, ZJ Zhang… - Nature Biotechnology, 2011 - nature.com
... RA, retinoic acid. ... (c) Temporal course comparison of S100β (120 d, P = 0.0055) and GFAP
(120 d, P = 0.001; 180 d, P = 0.0066) expression of retinoic acid– and FGF8-specified astroglia
(from three separate passages of the H9 hESC line) among total cells. ...
Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 3 versions
JA Hall, JL Cannons, JR Grainger, LM DosáSantos… - Immunity, 2011 - Elsevier
Vitamin A and its metabolite, retinoic acid (RA) are implicated in the regulation of immune homeostasis
via the peripheral induction of regulatory T cells. Here we showed RA was also required to elicit
proinflammatory CD4 + helper T cell responses to infection and mucosal vaccination. ...
Cited by 8 - All 2 versions
K Pino-Lagos, Y Guo, C Brown… - The Journal of …, 2011 - jem.rupress.org
It is known that vitamin A and its metabolite, retinoic acid (RA), are essential for host
defense. However, the mechanisms for how RA controls inflammation are incompletely
understood. The findings presented in this study show that RA signaling occurs ...
SSW Chung, X Wang… - Endocrine Reviews, 2011 - Endocrine Soc
It has been recognized for decades that dietary retinol (vitamin A) and its physiologically active
metabolite all-trans-retinoic acid are essential for normal spermatogenesis 1-4 . Given the importance
of retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARα) in particular in regulating spermatogenesis 5-8 , ...
[HTML] from oxfordjournals.orgS Barbus, B Tews, D Karra, M Hahn… - Journal of the …, 2011 - jnci.oxfordjournals.org
Although the prognosis of most glioblastoma patients is poor, 3%–5% patients show long-term
survival of 36 months or longer after diagnosis. To study the differences in activation of biochemical
pathways, we performed mRNA and protein expression analyses of primary glioblastoma ...
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