对于科研学者而言,与同行交流科研成果是至关重要的,然而较少有课程能够系统而针对性地帮助中国的科研学者成功获取英文文章写作与交流的技巧。为此,LetPub论文编辑特邀请Accdon-LetPub高级科学编辑、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Jesse V. Jokerst副教授为大家讲授文章写作技巧,分享科研交流过程中的有用点滴。本课程将详细讲授在科技论文撰写过程中如何以不同视角来撰写和组织自己的文章,以确立属于作者自己的写作风格,提高写作水平。
报名方式 :
朱先生 Email:Jack@letpub.com.cn; 电话: 13524628785
邝女士 Email:kuangxiaojiao@letpub.com.cn;电话:021-54106218
- Introduction: Motivation, introduction, and refresher on grammar with examples; Definitions and explanations of subject, verb, object, clause, preposition, etc.
- Rules of Grammar: The basics of the writing process; Sentence construction; Using the subject-verb-object sentence design; Active versus passive voice; When to use, avoid, and replace commas; Dashes versus hyphens; How long can a sentence be? Reducing clutter. All with examples unique to technical writing.
- Document construction: Topic sentences, transition sentences, hypothesis statements. Writing with the reader in mind; Effective use of figures, jargon, and references.
- Scientific Storytelling: The construction of a scientific paper and the role of the various components; How to think like a reviewer.
- Types of Technical Writing: Writing an email that people will read (and respond to); How to make your CV stand out; How to write your own letter of recommendation or cover letter; Advice on grant applications.
- Statistics: How to use p values, power calculations, ANOVA, and Q tests for outliers. How to use this to strengthen your arguments.
- Self-Improvement: Finally, you will and instructor will use these rules to improve your own piece of example writing (up to 400 words).
主讲人:Prof. Jesse Jokerst; Jacobs School of Engineering; University of California, San Diego.
- To be reminded of the mechanics of the English language.
- To understand the difference between clear and vague sentence structure.
- To reduce cluttered, weak, and imprecise writing.
- To learn the difference between persuasive and explanatory writing.
- To learn effective use of figures and captions in technical writing.
- To integrate statics into your writing in a persuasive way.
- To create different types of technical writing: email, CV, letters, etc.
- Course Materials: All participants will be given a binder containing the course materials including slides, examples, and corrected examples.
- Course Preparation: Participants are encouraged to bring a Microsoft Word or printed version of a recent piece technical writing. Participants can bring a copy of their CV or a recent email/letter for feedback.
- Schedule (subject to change):
- 8:00: Registration
- 8:30: Motivation, introduction, and grammar
- 9:30: Common mistakes and how to fix them.
- 10:30: Scientific Storytelling: Introduction through conclusion.
- 11:00: How to think like a reviewer: Figures and abstract essentials.
- 11:30: Lunch Break
- 13:00: CVs and email.
- 13:45: Cover letters and letters of recommendation.
- 14:15: Break and Exercise: Correct common mistakes in peer examples.
- 15:00: Statistics: p values, ANOVA, power calculations, Q test for outliers.
- 16:00: Feedback from instructor on your writing
- 17:00 Conclude
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