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D Eapen, R D'Costa… - Endocrine Abstracts, 2011 - endocrine-abstracts.org
A 33-year-old lady was referred to the endocrinology clinic with weight gain, hirsuitism and
amenorrhea. She had been diagnosed with hypertension a year ago which was difficult to control
despite being on three anti-hypertensive agents – Ramipril, Amlodipine and ...
F Bandeira, E Diniz, T Fontenele… - Endocrine Reviews, 2011 - Endocrine Soc
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the benefits of parathyroid hormone (PTH) measurement in
ultrasound-guided (US) fine-needle aspiration (FNA) fluid of nodular lesions in the thyroid bed
or suspected of being parathyroidal, in patients with hyperparathyroidism (HPT). ...
MR Diaconescu, M Glod, I Costea… - Endocrine …, 2011 - endocrine-abstracts.org
Results: First case, female – 56 years old presented with recurrent hyperparathyroidism 6 years
after an 'extra muros'extirpation of a right sided inferior adenoma. At operation multiple gray-tan
micronodules of 2–5 mm was discovered on the thyroid surface. Biopsy revealed benign ...
MR Diaconescu, M Glod, I Costea… - Endocrine …, 2011 - endocrine-abstracts.org
Patients and methods: Forty-three patients with RHP underwent surgery in the last 16 years
period. There were 24 SPtx, 6 TPtx+At, both procedures determining 6 recurrences (20.7%) so
in the last years TPtx was perfomed in a series of 13 cases (7 males and 6 females, with ...
L Patrier, AM Dupuis, A Granger Vallée… - NDT …, 2011 - ndtplus.oxfordjournals.org
METHODS: Two groups were defined according to their prevalent RRT modality. 53 patients
(29 men, 24 women; median age 73 [range 41-91] years; mean dialysis vintage 4.4 [range
0.5-22.0] years) were included in the HD group while 32 patients (19 men, 13 women; ...

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