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A Freeman - 2011 - gradworks.umi.com
This research study investigates the differences between the emotional experience of working
mothers versus stay-at-home mothers. Research has suggested that having children does not
contribute significantly to feelings of happiness. It has also indicated that, on the one ...
HP Blum - Psychoanalytic Review, The, 2011 - Guilford Publications
Stimulated by Theodor Reik's (1941) book Masochism and Modern Man, I discuss some theoretical
views of the ever-elusive concept of masochism without attempting a review of the now-vast
litera- ture on the subject. Many perplexing and profound questions about masochism ...
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M Morgan - Theory & Psychology, 2011 - tap.sagepub.com
This paper engages the notion of parallax: the moment of irreconcilable difference, the gap, the
tension, in the presentation of things seen from different perspectives. In this case the particular
“thing seen” from different perspectives is something like a subject position in which ...
RD Powell - 2011 - gradworks.umi.com
This study employed qualitative methodology in the form of 23 interviews of active members
of the BDSM community with in-depth, open-ended questions and probes to more fully understand
the structure of the community, the nature, extent, and nuance of the power differential in ...
J Kucich - PMLA, 2011 - MLA
John kucich is professor of En glish at Rutgers university, new Brunswick. he is the author of
Excess and Restraint in the Novels of Charles Dickens (u of Geor- gia P, 1982); Repression in
Victorian Fiction: Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dick- ens, and George Eliot (u of california P, ...
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