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[HTML] from ejh.itV Bertone, E Tarantola, A Ferrigno, E Gringeri… - European Journal of …, 2011 - ejh.it
... Altered alkaline phosphatase activity in obese Zucker rats liver respect to lean Zucker and Wistar
rats discussed in terms of all putative roles ascribed to the enzyme. V. Bertone, 1 E. Tarantola,
1 A. Ferrigno, 2 E. Gringeri, 3 S. Barni, 1 M. Vairetti,2 I. Freitas 1. ...
Related articles - Cached - All 4 versions
D Majda, A Korobov, U Filek, B Sulikowski… - Chemical Physics …, 2011 - Elsevier
... The crystalline product NH4ClO4 (1.124 g) was ltered o ff and recrystallised three times from
the solution of H2O : D2O (4.5 g : 1.5 g) to give sample N[H/D]4ClO4. After each crystallization
the deuterated product was ltered o ff and dissolved in a new solution of H2O and D2O. ...
All 2 versions
RD Brook… - Cardiovascular Effects of Inhaled …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
SYNDROME INTRODUCTION Exposure to ambient levels of particulate matter (PM)
air pollution increases the risk for cardiovascular (CV) events. ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Estudillo-Romero… - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011 - Elsevier
... In order to obtain rotation invariance t he ltered images with the di fferent oriented lters are then
added at each octave thus obtaining a more compact set of ltered im - ages: F im(x, y) = K 1
k=0 Im[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (17) F re(x, y) = K 1 k=0 Re[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (18) where K is ...
[PDF] from dtic.milRC Simmen - 2011 - DTIC Document
... P TEN a nd c -myc represent ge nes w hose expression a re a ltered d uring t he de velopment
of t umors in Wnt-Tg m ice, whereas Ly6a (Stem cell antigen, Sca-1), Keratin 6a/b (Krt6a/b),
and Keratin 8 (Krt8) are considered markers of stem/progenitor cells. ...
All 4 versions
[PDF] from unimap.edu.myE Faridah… - 2011 - dspace.unimap.edu.my
... 15. FAO., (1998). Carbohydrates in human nutrition, FAO Food and utrition, p. 66. 16. Shahar,
S., Yusoff, A., & Arshad, F., (2004). Association between dietary fibre and cancer: A case–control
study in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of utrition, 10(2), pp. 173–182. 17. ...
X Lanlan, SA Aunjum, L Xiaojian… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
... 6, FAN Ming-Sheng1,LIU Xue-Jun1,JIANG Rong- Feng1,ZHANG Fu- Suo1* ,LU Shi- Hua2 ,ZENG
Xiang- Zhong2 ( 1.Departmentof Plant N utrition,China Agricultural University,K ey Laboratory
of Plant N utrition,MOA,Key L aboratory of Plant-Soil Interaction Process,MOE,Beijing ...
V Bogle… - Journal of Health Psychology, 2011 - hpq.sagepub.com
... Sessions included n utrition, physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles. Parents pro vided
with treatment man uals and children with w orkbooks W eight for height from 120%–200% 70
(7–9-year- olds) Multi-disciplinary (dieticians and students of clinical n utrition) ...
All 2 versions
D Delissaint… - Health Education & Behavior, 2011 - heb.sagepub.com
... 1. Risk factors and behaviors (kno wledge of HIV prevention and practices, alcohol and tobacco
use , and n utrition intake) Major findings: About 55% of preconception w omen consumed alcohol
frequently, smoked, and did not have an HIV test versus PG w omen. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 2 versions
[PDF] from deakin.edu.auRK Golley, LG Smithers, K Campbell… - Australasian …, 2011 - deakin.edu.au
Page 1. Deakin Research Online Deakin University's institutional research repository
DDeakin Research Online Research Online This is the published version (version
of record) of: Golley, Rebecca K., Smithers, Lisa G., Campbell ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 4 versions
RC Maves, RMC Oré, KR Porter… - Vaccine, 2011 - Elsevier
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versions
V Shunmugam… - Minerals and Metals Review, 2011 - csa.com
Nothing is permanent except for change' goes the saying. So goes out the 40-year-old iron ore
annual pricing system making the way for short-term deals. The yesteryears' practice of small
but influential groups of producers negotiating with a limited number of but major ...
…, T Roush, G Marzo, D Cruikshank, C Dalle Ore - Icarus, 2011 - Elsevier
Note to users: The section "Articles in Press" contains peer reviewed accepted articles to be published
in this journal. When the final article is assigned to an issue of the journal, the "Article in
Press" version will be removed from this section and will appear in the associated ...

[CITATION] Ore genesis of Pb–Zn deposits in the Nappe zone of Northern Tunisia: Constraints from Pb–S–C–O isotopic systems

N Jemmali, F Souissi, IM Villa… - Ore Geology Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier BV
CM Dalle Ore, M Fulchignoni, DP Cruikshank… - 2011 - aanda.org
C. Morea Dalle Ore,1,2,4 M. Fulchignoni,3 DP Cruikshank,4 MA Barucci,3 R. Brunetto,5 H.
Campins,6 C. de Bergh,3 JH Debes,7 E. Dotto,8 JP Emery,9 WM Grundy,10 AP Jones,5 V.
Mennella,11 FR Orthous-Daunay,12 T. Owen,13 I. Pascucci,14,15 YJ Pendleton,16 N. ...
[PDF] from Han, M Kamber… - 2011 - books.google.com
DATA MINING Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han I Micheline Kamber I Jian Per ... The Morgan
Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems (Selected Titles) Joe Celko's Data,
Measurements, and Standards in SQL Joe Celko Information Modeling and Relational ...
Cited by 11762 - Related articles - All 92 versions
Y Han, PS Kaeser, TC Sudhof… - Neuron, 2011 - Elsevier
At presynaptic active zones, neurotransmitter release is initiated by the opening of voltage-gated
Ca 2+ channels close to docked vesicles. The mechanisms that enrich Ca 2+ channels at active
zones are, however, largely unknown, possibly because of the limited presynaptic ...
Cited by 4 - Related articles - All 2 versions
[PDF] from wanglaboratory.org…, AK Yocum, R Wang, DF Fries, B Han… - Cancer Discovery, 2011 - AACR
Using an integrative genomics approach called amplification breakpoint ranking and assembly
analysis, we nominated KRAS as a gene fusion with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2L3
in the DU145 cell line, originally derived from prostate cancer metastasis to the brain. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versions
…, J Liu, O Gavrilova, T Lu, J Bao, D Han… - Science …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The contribution of the Wnt pathway has been extensively characterized in embryogenesis,
differentiation, and stem cell biology but not in mammalian metabolism. Here, using in vivo
gain- and loss-of-function models, we demonstrate an important role for Wnt signaling in ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles
[PDF] from arxiv.org…, SR Hahn, E Halkiadakis, A Hamaguchi, JY Han… - Physical Review D, 2011 - APS
T. Aaltonen,21 B. A´ lvarez González,9,w S. Amerio,41a D. Amidei,32 A. Anastassov,36 A.
Annovi,17 J. Antos,12 G. Apollinari,15 JA Appel,15 A. Apresyan,46 T. Arisawa,56 A. Artikov,13
J. Asaadi,51 W. Ashmanskas,15 B. Auerbach,59 A. Aurisano,51 F. Azfar,40 W. Badgett,15 ...
Cited by 101 - Related articles - All 7 versions
…, P Belcari, P Sartor, F Dhermain, D Ody… - Marine pollution …, 2011 - Elsevier
Risso's dolphins, pilot whales and sperm whales rarely strand in the northwestern
Mediterranean. Thus, their feeding ecology, through the analysis of stomach contents, is poorly
known. The aim of this study was to gain further insight into the segregation/superposition ...
Related articles - All 4 versions
D Zhang, L Ke, K Mackovicova… - Journal of Molecular and …, 2011 - Elsevier
The most common clinical tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation (AF), is a progressive disease, caused
by cardiomyocyte remodeling, which finally results in contractile dysfunction and AF
persistence. Recently, we identified a protective role of heat shock proteins (HSPs), ...
[PDF] from ups-tlse.frG Barbalat, V Chambon, PJD Domenech, C Ody… - Biological …, 2011 - Elsevier
In schizophrenia, disturbances of cognitive control have been associated with impaired functional
specialization within the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), but little is known about the functional
interactions between specialized LPFC subregions. Here, we addressed this question ...
Related articles - All 4 versions
[HTML] from oxfordjournals.orgE Seinen, JGM Burgerhof… - Briefings in …, 2011 - bfg.oxfordjournals.org
Erwin Seinen received his master's degree in 2005. He will obtain his PhD 11 April 2011 and
he is the founder and manager of the Dutch company Bio-ITech. ... Johannes GM Burgerhof
is a statistician at the University Medical Center Groningen. ... Ritsert C. Jansen is full ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Ody, F Poulet, Y Langevin… - Lunar and …, 2011 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Global Distribution of Igneous Minerals on Mars: Assessing the Composition
of the Crust. Authors: Ody, A.; Poulet, F.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.; Gondet, B.; Carter,
J.; Vincendon, M. Publication: 42nd Lunar and Planetary ...
S Alvi… - Asian Journal of Management Cases, 2011 - ajc.sagepub.com
Page 1. ASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT CASES, 7(2), 2010: 113–134
LTD (SNGPL) Sara Alvi Zafar Iqbal Qureshi The case describes ...
All 2 versions
HF Addab - 2011 - kuiraq.com
... University University In Partial Fulfillment of the R n Partial Fulfillment of the R n Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the equirements of the equirements of the Degree of egree of egree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Civil Engineering By ...
View as HTML - All 3 versions
LR Guterman… - The Carotid and Supra‐Aortic …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Imaging r equirements for as troke c enter In order to facilitate treatment of patients presenting
with acute stroke, central nervous system imaging and image analysis must be available within
45 min of patient presentation to the emer- gency department. ...
Related articles

[PDF] Plot Co-l

[PDF] from omantel.net.omP Co-locat - s for intercon elivery......... w Co-location, 2011 - omantel.net.om
... caused by wer fluctuat ocation. ved from th equirements o account the ehouse ators
the po the Omante mantel offer nternational e offered as mantel public at its own
c for the inst be carried asonable co location. amage to th fire ...
View as HTML - All 4 versions
A Sharma… - ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering …, 2011 - portal.acm.org
... Tra chitecture. The e 1. hitecture are: d tagging: In raw form ie paragraph is b ord in a senten
OS) tagger acco tes new tagge In this phase th categories n equirements his categorizatio ces
based on m written in differ ... ubmitted by th equirements an ansformation e basic model o ...
Related articles
[HTML] from ejh.itV Bertone, E Tarantola, A Ferrigno, E Gringeri… - European Journal of …, 2011 - ejh.it
... Altered alkaline phosphatase activity in obese Zucker rats liver respect to lean Zucker and Wistar
rats discussed in terms of all putative roles ascribed to the enzyme. V. Bertone, 1 E. Tarantola,
1 A. Ferrigno, 2 E. Gringeri, 3 S. Barni, 1 M. Vairetti,2 I. Freitas 1. ...
Related articles - Cached - All 4 versions
D Majda, A Korobov, U Filek, B Sulikowski… - Chemical Physics …, 2011 - Elsevier
... The crystalline product NH4ClO4 (1.124 g) was ltered o ff and recrystallised three times from
the solution of H2O : D2O (4.5 g : 1.5 g) to give sample N[H/D]4ClO4. After each crystallization
the deuterated product was ltered o ff and dissolved in a new solution of H2O and D2O. ...
All 2 versions
RD Brook… - Cardiovascular Effects of Inhaled …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
SYNDROME INTRODUCTION Exposure to ambient levels of particulate matter (PM)
air pollution increases the risk for cardiovascular (CV) events. ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Estudillo-Romero… - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011 - Elsevier
... In order to obtain rotation invariance t he ltered images with the di fferent oriented lters are then
added at each octave thus obtaining a more compact set of ltered im - ages: F im(x, y) = K 1
k=0 Im[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (17) F re(x, y) = K 1 k=0 Re[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (18) where K is ...
[PDF] from dtic.milRC Simmen - 2011 - DTIC Document
... P TEN a nd c -myc represent ge nes w hose expression a re a ltered d uring t he de velopment
of t umors in Wnt-Tg m ice, whereas Ly6a (Stem cell antigen, Sca-1), Keratin 6a/b (Krt6a/b),
and Keratin 8 (Krt8) are considered markers of stem/progenitor cells. ...
All 4 versions
[PDF] from unimap.edu.myE Faridah… - 2011 - dspace.unimap.edu.my
... 15. FAO., (1998). Carbohydrates in human nutrition, FAO Food and utrition, p. 66. 16. Shahar,
S., Yusoff, A., & Arshad, F., (2004). Association between dietary fibre and cancer: A case–control
study in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of utrition, 10(2), pp. 173–182. 17. ...
X Lanlan, SA Aunjum, L Xiaojian… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
... 6, FAN Ming-Sheng1,LIU Xue-Jun1,JIANG Rong- Feng1,ZHANG Fu- Suo1* ,LU Shi- Hua2 ,ZENG
Xiang- Zhong2 ( 1.Departmentof Plant N utrition,China Agricultural University,K ey Laboratory
of Plant N utrition,MOA,Key L aboratory of Plant-Soil Interaction Process,MOE,Beijing ...
V Bogle… - Journal of Health Psychology, 2011 - hpq.sagepub.com
... Sessions included n utrition, physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles. Parents pro vided
with treatment man uals and children with w orkbooks W eight for height from 120%–200% 70
(7–9-year- olds) Multi-disciplinary (dieticians and students of clinical n utrition) ...
All 2 versions
D Delissaint… - Health Education & Behavior, 2011 - heb.sagepub.com
... 1. Risk factors and behaviors (kno wledge of HIV prevention and practices, alcohol and tobacco
use , and n utrition intake) Major findings: About 55% of preconception w omen consumed alcohol
frequently, smoked, and did not have an HIV test versus PG w omen. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 2 versions
[PDF] from deakin.edu.auRK Golley, LG Smithers, K Campbell… - Australasian …, 2011 - deakin.edu.au
Page 1. Deakin Research Online Deakin University's institutional research repository
DDeakin Research Online Research Online This is the published version (version
of record) of: Golley, Rebecca K., Smithers, Lisa G., Campbell ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 4 versions
[PDF] from cornell.eduJ Inlora, V Chukkapalli, D Derse… - Journal of Virology, 2011 - Am Soc Microbiol
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag matrix (MA) domain facilitates Gag targeting
and binding to the plasma membrane (PM) during virus assembly. Interaction with a PM
phospholipid, phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P 2 ], plays a key role in ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 4 versions
GE Darling, MS Allen, PA Decker… - The Journal of …, 2011 - AATS/WTSA
Objective: To determine whether mediastinal lymph node dissection improves survival compared
with mediastinal lymph node sampling in patients undergoing resection for N0 or nonhilar
N1, T1, or T2 non–small cell lung cancer. ... Methods: Patients with non–small cell lung ...
Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 5 versions
M Scholten… - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2011 - papers.ssrn.com
... Descriptive Models of Intertemporal Choice Part 1: Anomalies in Choices Between Less Sooner
and More Later Marc Scholten ISPA University Institute, ... Descriptive Models of Intertemporal Choice
Part 1: Anomalies in Choices Between Less Sooner and More Later ...
S Saevarsdottir, S Wedrén… - Arthritis & …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
We retrieved clinical information about patients entering the Epidemiological Investigation of
Rheumatoid Arthritis (EIRA) early RA cohort from 1996 to 2006 (n = 1,998) who were also in
the Swedish Rheumatology Register (until 2007). Overall, 1,430 of the 1,621 registered ...
Cited by 7 - Related articles - All 2 versions
JB Walther - Face-to-Face Communication Over the Internet: …, 2011 - books.google.com
CHAPTER 1 Visual cues in computer- mediated communication: sometimes less is more Joseph
B. Walther Overview: This research reviews the promise and the pitfalls of visual cues in
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The first section reviews theories advocating ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles
[PDF] from Han, M Kamber… - 2011 - books.google.com
DATA MINING Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han I Micheline Kamber I Jian Per ... The Morgan
Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems (Selected Titles) Joe Celko's Data,
Measurements, and Standards in SQL Joe Celko Information Modeling and Relational ...
Cited by 11762 - Related articles - All 92 versions
Y Han, PS Kaeser, TC Sudhof… - Neuron, 2011 - Elsevier
At presynaptic active zones, neurotransmitter release is initiated by the opening of voltage-gated
Ca 2+ channels close to docked vesicles. The mechanisms that enrich Ca 2+ channels at active
zones are, however, largely unknown, possibly because of the limited presynaptic ...
Cited by 4 - Related articles - All 2 versions
[PDF] from wanglaboratory.org…, AK Yocum, R Wang, DF Fries, B Han… - Cancer Discovery, 2011 - AACR
Using an integrative genomics approach called amplification breakpoint ranking and assembly
analysis, we nominated KRAS as a gene fusion with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2L3
in the DU145 cell line, originally derived from prostate cancer metastasis to the brain. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versions
…, J Liu, O Gavrilova, T Lu, J Bao, D Han… - Science …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The contribution of the Wnt pathway has been extensively characterized in embryogenesis,
differentiation, and stem cell biology but not in mammalian metabolism. Here, using in vivo
gain- and loss-of-function models, we demonstrate an important role for Wnt signaling in ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles
[PDF] from arxiv.org…, SR Hahn, E Halkiadakis, A Hamaguchi, JY Han… - Physical Review D, 2011 - APS
T. Aaltonen,21 B. A´ lvarez González,9,w S. Amerio,41a D. Amidei,32 A. Anastassov,36 A.
Annovi,17 J. Antos,12 G. Apollinari,15 JA Appel,15 A. Apresyan,46 T. Arisawa,56 A. Artikov,13
J. Asaadi,51 W. Ashmanskas,15 B. Auerbach,59 A. Aurisano,51 F. Azfar,40 W. Badgett,15 ...
Cited by 101 - Related articles - All 7 versions
…, P Belcari, P Sartor, F Dhermain, D Ody… - Marine pollution …, 2011 - Elsevier
Risso's dolphins, pilot whales and sperm whales rarely strand in the northwestern
Mediterranean. Thus, their feeding ecology, through the analysis of stomach contents, is poorly
known. The aim of this study was to gain further insight into the segregation/superposition ...
Related articles - All 4 versions
D Zhang, L Ke, K Mackovicova… - Journal of Molecular and …, 2011 - Elsevier
The most common clinical tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation (AF), is a progressive disease, caused
by cardiomyocyte remodeling, which finally results in contractile dysfunction and AF
persistence. Recently, we identified a protective role of heat shock proteins (HSPs), ...
[PDF] from ups-tlse.frG Barbalat, V Chambon, PJD Domenech, C Ody… - Biological …, 2011 - Elsevier
In schizophrenia, disturbances of cognitive control have been associated with impaired functional
specialization within the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), but little is known about the functional
interactions between specialized LPFC subregions. Here, we addressed this question ...
Related articles - All 4 versions
[HTML] from oxfordjournals.orgE Seinen, JGM Burgerhof… - Briefings in …, 2011 - bfg.oxfordjournals.org
Erwin Seinen received his master's degree in 2005. He will obtain his PhD 11 April 2011 and
he is the founder and manager of the Dutch company Bio-ITech. ... Johannes GM Burgerhof
is a statistician at the University Medical Center Groningen. ... Ritsert C. Jansen is full ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Ody, F Poulet, Y Langevin… - Lunar and …, 2011 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Global Distribution of Igneous Minerals on Mars: Assessing the Composition
of the Crust. Authors: Ody, A.; Poulet, F.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.; Gondet, B.; Carter,
J.; Vincendon, M. Publication: 42nd Lunar and Planetary ...
S Alvi… - Asian Journal of Management Cases, 2011 - ajc.sagepub.com
Page 1. ASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT CASES, 7(2), 2010: 113–134
LTD (SNGPL) Sara Alvi Zafar Iqbal Qureshi The case describes ...
All 2 versions
HF Addab - 2011 - kuiraq.com
... University University In Partial Fulfillment of the R n Partial Fulfillment of the R n Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the equirements of the equirements of the Degree of egree of egree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Civil Engineering By ...
View as HTML - All 3 versions
LR Guterman… - The Carotid and Supra‐Aortic …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Imaging r equirements for as troke c enter In order to facilitate treatment of patients presenting
with acute stroke, central nervous system imaging and image analysis must be available within
45 min of patient presentation to the emer- gency department. ...
Related articles

[PDF] Plot Co-l

[PDF] from omantel.net.omP Co-locat - s for intercon elivery......... w Co-location, 2011 - omantel.net.om
... caused by wer fluctuat ocation. ved from th equirements o account the ehouse ators
the po the Omante mantel offer nternational e offered as mantel public at its own
c for the inst be carried asonable co location. amage to th fire ...
View as HTML - All 4 versions
A Sharma… - ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering …, 2011 - portal.acm.org
... Tra chitecture. The e 1. hitecture are: d tagging: In raw form ie paragraph is b ord in a senten
OS) tagger acco tes new tagge In this phase th categories n equirements his categorizatio ces
based on m written in differ ... ubmitted by th equirements an ansformation e basic model o ...
Related articles
[HTML] from ejh.itV Bertone, E Tarantola, A Ferrigno, E Gringeri… - European Journal of …, 2011 - ejh.it
... Altered alkaline phosphatase activity in obese Zucker rats liver respect to lean Zucker and Wistar
rats discussed in terms of all putative roles ascribed to the enzyme. V. Bertone, 1 E. Tarantola,
1 A. Ferrigno, 2 E. Gringeri, 3 S. Barni, 1 M. Vairetti,2 I. Freitas 1. ...
Related articles - Cached - All 4 versions
D Majda, A Korobov, U Filek, B Sulikowski… - Chemical Physics …, 2011 - Elsevier
... The crystalline product NH4ClO4 (1.124 g) was ltered o ff and recrystallised three times from
the solution of H2O : D2O (4.5 g : 1.5 g) to give sample N[H/D]4ClO4. After each crystallization
the deuterated product was ltered o ff and dissolved in a new solution of H2O and D2O. ...
All 2 versions
RD Brook… - Cardiovascular Effects of Inhaled …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
SYNDROME INTRODUCTION Exposure to ambient levels of particulate matter (PM)
air pollution increases the risk for cardiovascular (CV) events. ...
Related articles - All 2 versions
A Estudillo-Romero… - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011 - Elsevier
... In order to obtain rotation invariance t he ltered images with the di fferent oriented lters are then
added at each octave thus obtaining a more compact set of ltered im - ages: F im(x, y) = K 1
k=0 Im[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (17) F re(x, y) = K 1 k=0 Re[(L(x, y) ? G(x, y, k))] (18) where K is ...
[PDF] from dtic.milRC Simmen - 2011 - DTIC Document
... P TEN a nd c -myc represent ge nes w hose expression a re a ltered d uring t he de velopment
of t umors in Wnt-Tg m ice, whereas Ly6a (Stem cell antigen, Sca-1), Keratin 6a/b (Krt6a/b),
and Keratin 8 (Krt8) are considered markers of stem/progenitor cells. ...
All 4 versions
[PDF] from unimap.edu.myE Faridah… - 2011 - dspace.unimap.edu.my
... 15. FAO., (1998). Carbohydrates in human nutrition, FAO Food and utrition, p. 66. 16. Shahar,
S., Yusoff, A., & Arshad, F., (2004). Association between dietary fibre and cancer: A case–control
study in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of utrition, 10(2), pp. 173–182. 17. ...
X Lanlan, SA Aunjum, L Xiaojian… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
... 6, FAN Ming-Sheng1,LIU Xue-Jun1,JIANG Rong- Feng1,ZHANG Fu- Suo1* ,LU Shi- Hua2 ,ZENG
Xiang- Zhong2 ( 1.Departmentof Plant N utrition,China Agricultural University,K ey Laboratory
of Plant N utrition,MOA,Key L aboratory of Plant-Soil Interaction Process,MOE,Beijing ...
V Bogle… - Journal of Health Psychology, 2011 - hpq.sagepub.com
... Sessions included n utrition, physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles. Parents pro vided
with treatment man uals and children with w orkbooks W eight for height from 120%–200% 70
(7–9-year- olds) Multi-disciplinary (dieticians and students of clinical n utrition) ...
All 2 versions
D Delissaint… - Health Education & Behavior, 2011 - heb.sagepub.com
... 1. Risk factors and behaviors (kno wledge of HIV prevention and practices, alcohol and tobacco
use , and n utrition intake) Major findings: About 55% of preconception w omen consumed alcohol
frequently, smoked, and did not have an HIV test versus PG w omen. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 2 versions
[PDF] from deakin.edu.auRK Golley, LG Smithers, K Campbell… - Australasian …, 2011 - deakin.edu.au
Page 1. Deakin Research Online Deakin University's institutional research repository
DDeakin Research Online Research Online This is the published version (version
of record) of: Golley, Rebecca K., Smithers, Lisa G., Campbell ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 4 versions
VA Ravi, S Rogers, M Malek, D Surmenian… - JOM Journal of the …, 2011 - Springer
... Current Density (A/cm2) Current Density (A/cm2) Current Density (A/cm2) Weight (%) Boron Plt.
Initiation P otential (V vs. Ag/AgCl) Weight (%) Boron P assivation P otential (v vs. Ag/AgC) P
otential (V vs. Ag/AgCl) P otential (V vs. Ag/AgCl) P otential (V vs. Ag/AgCl) ...
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[PDF] from uva.nlJR van Werven - 2011 - dare.uva.nl
... 1 HBV ; 1 PB C; 3 non alcoholic cirrhosis; 11 other ≤ 7 da ys Rinella 2001 CT , MRI R 33
(19/14) P otential living liv er donors Unclear Mathiesen 2002 US P 165 (110/55) ... Unclear Limano
nd 2004 CT R 42 (29/13) P otential living liv er donors ≤ 28 da ys Hepburn 2 0 0 5 US R ...
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G Notton, S Diaf… - Energy Procedia, 2011 - Elsevier
... 5). 0 5 10 15 20 25 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec W in d P otential ( k W
h /mperday ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S olar P otential ( k W h / mperday ) Ersa CC= -0.903 0 0.5 1 1.5
2 2.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec W in d P otential ( k W h ...
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B Shen, HY Kwan, X Ma, CO Wong, J Du… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
... function in living cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of cAMP on canonical
TRPC6 (transient receptor potential channel 6) channels in TRPC6-expressing HEK293
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