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APE Roberts, AP Lewis… - Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 - Oxford Univ Press
In animals, microRNAs (miRNAs) generally repress gene expression by binding to sites in the
3′-untranslated region (UTR) of target mRNAs. miRNAs have also been reported to repress
or activate gene expression by binding to 5′-UTR sites, but the extent of such regulation ...
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[PDF] from swab.nlWJ Wiersinga, MJ Bonten, WG Boersma… - 2011 - swab.nl
... Drs. RM Aleva (NVALT), Prof. Dr. BJ Kullberg (VIZ), Dr. JA Schouten (NVIC), Prof.
Dr. JE Degener (NVMM), Dr. R. Janknegt (NVZA), Prof. Dr. TJ Verheij (NHG), Dr.
APE Sachs (NHG), Prof. Dr. JM Prins (SWAB, chairman) VIZ ...
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APE Kunz, AP Eichenberger… - Molecular Physics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
A one-site and a five-site polarizable model for liquid carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ) is
presented. They are based on a non-polarizable model consisting of five van der Waals sites
not carrying any partial charges. In the one-site model, a charge on a spring with a ...
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NM Graafland, HJ Teertstra, APE Besnard… - The Journal of …, 2011 - Elsevier
Preoperative diagnostic computerized tomography studies of 30 patients with penile carcinoma
with proven unilateral or bilateral lymph node metastasis were reviewed independently by 2
radiologists blinded for patient data. All computerized tomography images were analyzed ...
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BDL Broekhuizen, APE Sachs… - The Annals of Family …, 2011 - Annals Family Med
METHODS Two hundred thirty-three patients with cough for longer than 14 days, without known
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, participated in a diagnostic study
in Dutch primary care between 2006 and 2009. These patients used a 14-day ...
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M Privat… - Pro Core Data for iOS, 2011 - Springer
4ABLE-ETHODS Method Name Query Language Example Description ...
W Ge, R Guo… - Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2011 - Elsevier
... 8 ABCGHI C ontrol E th anol A lda - 1 A lda - 1 - E th anol AICARAICAR - E th anol AICAR - A
lda - 1 - E th anol C ompound CC ompound C - E th anol 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 * * # * #
TR 9 0 ( msec ) C ontrol E thanol A lda - 1 A lda - 1 -E thanol AICARAICAR - E th anol ...
C Vaquero-Aguilar… - Advances in Science and …, 2011 - Trans Tech Publ
... 1(b) shows a polished and thermally-etched cross- section of t he undoped c ompound; a dupl
ex m icrostructure can be obs erved, f ormed by large equiaxed grains of about 4 µm in diameter
and small grains of about 0.5 µm in diameter located along the grain boundaries a nd ...
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MJ Wu - 2011 - ir.chna.edu.tw
... After a 24 h treatment with ompound 1, a strong ability to induce a massive accumulation
of cells in the G2/M phase was observed. ... The ligand docking experiment shows that ompound
1 binds to the α- and β-tubuline in the same manner as colchicine. ...
V Pandya, M Jain, G Chakrabarti, H Soni… - Bioorganic & Medicinal …, 2011 - Elsevier
... 10 Figure 1 11 Figure 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 2 12 Figure 3 13 Figure 4 V ehiclecontrol C ompound
5 a C ompound 6 c C ompound 6 e C lopidogrel ( 3 0 mg / kg , p . o . ) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 * *
Cut off time T imetoocclusion ( min ) 14 Scheme 1 15 Scheme 2 abc N NH R 3 N BOC ...
[PDF] from usherbrooke.caT Morita… - Genes & Development, 2011 - genesdev.cshlp.org
Regulation of gene expression by RNA molecules was known in prokaryotes far before the discovery
of microRNAs (miRNAs) and siRNAs in eukaryotes. Since the serendipitous discovery of
MicF, which is involved in the down-regulation of the expression of ompF, a gene that ...
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SHI MIN - 2011 - lavoisier.fr
... Chemistry of the Morita-Baylis-Hillman R eaction. Auteur : MIN SHI. 183,24 € Ajouter au panier
le livre de MIN SHI. Date de parution : 04-2011 Langue : ANGLAIS Paperback À paraître,
réservez-le dès maintenant. Thème de Chemistry of the Morita-Baylis-Hillman R eaction : ...
[PDF] from lions103idfo.orgL CLUBS, EN ACTION… - 2011 - lions103idfo.org
Page 1. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL La lettre d'information du District Ile de
France Ouest Février 2011 n° 45 ISSN : 1769-8251 1/2 jeudi 7 avril à l'Atrium de
Chaville, pour clore la semaine du Développement Durable, le ...
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Y Xiaoming… - Environmental Science and Management, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
As phthalate esters are extensively applied to the environment caused a huge
influence,Therefore,they study the degradation delay.I phthalate esters selection of a
compound——Di-n-octyl phthalate as subjects,use aerobic biodegradation methods to ...
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BD Guy - 2011 - cardinalscholar.bsu.edu
... Title: La r eaction des personnes des milieux diff erents : an honors thesis ([HONRS]
499) / by Bonita D. Guy. Authors: Guy, Bonita D. Advisor: Coen, Dean B. Date of Object:
1980. Abstract: Ball State University LibrariesLibrary ...
APE Roberts, AP Lewis… - Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 - Oxford Univ Press
In animals, microRNAs (miRNAs) generally repress gene expression by binding to sites in the
3′-untranslated region (UTR) of target mRNAs. miRNAs have also been reported to repress
or activate gene expression by binding to 5′-UTR sites, but the extent of such regulation ...
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[PDF] from swab.nlWJ Wiersinga, MJ Bonten, WG Boersma… - 2011 - swab.nl
... Drs. RM Aleva (NVALT), Prof. Dr. BJ Kullberg (VIZ), Dr. JA Schouten (NVIC), Prof.
Dr. JE Degener (NVMM), Dr. R. Janknegt (NVZA), Prof. Dr. TJ Verheij (NHG), Dr.
APE Sachs (NHG), Prof. Dr. JM Prins (SWAB, chairman) VIZ ...
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APE Kunz, AP Eichenberger… - Molecular Physics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
A one-site and a five-site polarizable model for liquid carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ) is
presented. They are based on a non-polarizable model consisting of five van der Waals sites
not carrying any partial charges. In the one-site model, a charge on a spring with a ...
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NM Graafland, HJ Teertstra, APE Besnard… - The Journal of …, 2011 - Elsevier
Preoperative diagnostic computerized tomography studies of 30 patients with penile carcinoma
with proven unilateral or bilateral lymph node metastasis were reviewed independently by 2
radiologists blinded for patient data. All computerized tomography images were analyzed ...
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BDL Broekhuizen, APE Sachs… - The Annals of Family …, 2011 - Annals Family Med
METHODS Two hundred thirty-three patients with cough for longer than 14 days, without known
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, participated in a diagnostic study
in Dutch primary care between 2006 and 2009. These patients used a 14-day ...
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[PDF] from mdpi.comJ Mönkäre, J Riikonen, E Rauma, J Salonen… - Pharmaceutics, 2011 - mdpi.com
ISSN 1999-4923 www.mdpi.com/journal/pharmaceutics ... In Vitro Dissolution Methods for Hydrophilic
and Hydrophobic ... Juha Mönkäre 1, *, Joakim Riikonen 2,3 , Elina Rauma 1 , Jarno Salonen
3 , Vesa-Pekka Lehto 2 and ... 1 School of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, ...
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T Itkonen, M Ikonen, K Rauma… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll US007872885B2 (12) United States Patent ao) Patent no.: us 7,872,885
B2 Itkonen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 18,2011 (54) POWER LEVEL BALANCE OF FREQUENCY
CONVERTERS CONNECTED IN PARALLEL (75) Inventors: Toni Itkonen, Lappeenranta ...
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J Nummela, M Nikkari, M Soini… - International Journal of …, 2011 - Inderscience
... Department of Electronics, Rauma Research Unit, Tampere University of Technology, Kalliokatu
2, FIN-26100, Finland E-mail: jussi.nummela@tut.fi E-mail: matti.nikkari@tut.fi E-mail:
mikael.soini@tut.fi E-mail: leena.ukkonen@tut.fi E-mail: laura.sydänheimo@tut.fi ...
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[PDF] from biomedcentral.comJ Panula, H Pihlajamaki, V Mattila… - BMC …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
... Jorma Panula (jorma.panula@fimnet.fi) Harri Pihlajamaki (harri.pihlajamaki@helsinki.fi) Ville
M Mattila (ville.mattila@uta.fi) Pekka Jaatinen (pekka.jaatinen@rauma.fi) Tero Vahlberg
(tero.vahlberg@utu.fi) Pertti Aarnio (pertti.aarnio@satshp.fi) Sirkka-Liisa Kivela (sirkka-liisa ...
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S Merilampi, T Bjorninen, L Ukkonen… - Sensor …, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
... Toni Björninen and Leena Ukkonen Rauma Research Unit, Institute of Electronics,
Tampere University of Technology, Rauma, Finland ... Lauri Sydänheimo Rauma
Research Unit, Tampere University of Technology, Rauma, Finland ...
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E Hadar… - Pregnancy in the Obese Woman, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Page 2. 172 Chapter 11 Gestational d iabetes and g estational h ypertension in the o bese g
ravida: the m etabolic s yndrome of p regnancy ... Obesity, g estational d iabetes, and m etabolic
s yndrome Obesity is the most important risk factor for metabolic syndrome. ...
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RE Say, RG Whittaker, HE Turnbull… - Obstetric …, 2011 - obmed.rsmjournals.com
... g in good condition Not specified Previous WPW s yndrome type A (abla ted), prema ture gra
ying, tinnitus, dea fness P os tpartum ... loss on audiogram and left v entricular hypertrophy P os
tpartum nephrotic s yndrome Moriarty et al. 35 Case report m.3243A . G MELAS muta tion ...
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[PDF] from biomedcentral.comU Müller, P Asherson, T Banaschewski… - BMC …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
... criteria , suchas , questionsaboutageofsy mptomdetection , parentalperceptionofs yndrome severity
, clinicallysignificant impairment , andproblemsatschoolar easkedafterwardswith ...
fourthsectionassesses comorbiddisorders ( T ourette ' s S yndrome , bipolaraffectivedisor der , ...
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[HTML] from Lyons - Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2011 -
... induced dystonia. Meige Syndrome. Idiopathic cranial cervical dystonia is an adult-onset
movement disorder that results in segmental dystonia. Blake, Wood ...
NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS. Tourette Syndrome. Gilles de la Tourette ...
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R Poupon, B Hermelin… - US Patent 7,888,022, 2011 - Google Patents
... Page 5. US Patent US 7,888,022 B2 Feb.15, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 ,— MDH3 Gene Mutations
Heterozygous Nonsense Hom&zygoua LPAC {.yndrome Intrahepatic cholestasis ot
pregn&nuy (?) Attenuated lonns ot PRC3 (?) FIGURE 4 Page 6. ...
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姚忠立 - 中国药业, 2011 - cqvip.com
B1和维生素B6的含量。方法采用Ag-ilent 1200型高效液相色谱仪,流动相为10∶90
的乙腈-水相(庚烷磺酸钠0.32 g,三乙胺2 mL,冰醋酸10 mL,... ...
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[PDF] from academypublisher.comW Lin, E Cheng… - Journal of Communications, 2011 - academypublisher.com
... 1 using the following equation: data x rts,- ilent s x rts, - ilent s T T T + = (5) In summary,
our protocol can process multiple handshakes while nodes wait for the CTS packet
from receive nodes. MACA-DT uses simultaneous handshake ...
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L Vetterli, T Brun, L Giovannoni, D Bosco… - Journal of Biological …, 2011 - ASBMB
... mediators (7, 8). Sirtuins represent a conserved family of NAD + -dependent proteins
homologous to the yeast deacetylase SIR2 (silent information regulator 2), found
to be involved in aging processes. Overexpression of Sir2 ...
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ZQ Cheng, S Hu, J Liu… - Chinese Physics B, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
... Artifi- cial neural networks (ANNs) can automatically learn the electromagnetic (EM)
and physical behaviours in a satisfactory accuracy, and the trained ANN model is
applicable to the commercial circuit simulator (Ag- ilent ADS). ...
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P Zhu, YG Wen, XP Fan, ZL Zhou… - Journal of Analytical …, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
... degasser. The analytes and IS were detected using an Ag- ilent 6410
triple-quadrupole MS (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a spray
interface. Ultra-high-purity ni- trogen was used as drying gas. Agilent ...
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