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P Clément… - Cancer and Sexual Health, 2011 - Springer
Page 1. 77 Keywords Ejaculation • Emission • Serotonin • Dopamine • Spinal cord •
Spinothalamic tracts Introduction The human sexual ... coordinated manner. Chapter 7
Physiology of Ejaculation Pierre Clément and François Giuliano F ...
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[PDF] from viamedica.plD Cysarz - Seksuologia Polska, 2011 - sp.viamedica.pl
... Key words: premature ejaculation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques ...
Ejaculatio praecox Kratochvil podaje, że „o przedwczesnej ejakulacji (ejaculatio praecox) mówimy
wtedy, gdy mężczyzna nie może przedłużyć stosunku na okres dłuższy niż jedna ...
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G Kockott… - Verhaltenstherapiemanual, 2011 - Springer
... Antidepressants in the treatment of prema- ture ejaculation. J Sex Marit Ther, 22, 85–86. Fahrner,
E. M. & Kockott, G. (2003). Sexualtherapie. Ein Manual zur Behandlung sexueller
Funktionsstörungen bei Män- nern. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Hanel, J. M. (2003). Ejaculatio praecox. ...
K der Sexualstörungen - Geburtsh Frauenheilk, 2011 - thieme-connect.com
... Seitdem wurden die sexuellen Kontakte immer seltener, und es kam zu einer Aktualisierung
der Ejaculatio praecox. ... Stuttgart: Thieme; 2005 22 McMahon C G. et al An evidence-based
definition of lifelong premature ejaculation: report of the International Society for Sexual ...
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H Kohut - 2011 - books.google.com
... At the moment of ejaculation he typically expe- rienced the feeling of desperately straining to
perform in ac- cordance with the woman's commands ... He was always sexually potent—a mild
tendency to ejaculatio praecox that had developed some time ago did not appear to pose ...
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