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S Matsuo - Optics Express, 2011 - opticsinfobase.org
The Jones calculus is a well known method for analyzing the polarization of a fully polarized
beam. It deals with a beam having spatially homogeneous polarization. In recent years, axially
symmetric polarized beams, where the polarization is not homogeneous in its cross ...
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B Gardiner… - Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract We introduce a new family of algorithms for computing fundamental operators arising
from convex analysis. The new algorithms rely on the fact that the graph of the subdifferential
of most convex operators depends linearly on the graph of the subdifferential of the ...
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[RTF] from uwa.edu.auDA Turkington - Economics Discussion/Working Papers, 2011 - business.uwa.edu.au
In a recent article Magnus (2010) advocates as the concept of the matrix derivative to use for
the differentiation of a matrix Y with respect to the matrix X. He does this on the grounds of mathematical
correctness and mathematical convenience. As far as the first ground is concerned, ...
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[RTF] from uwa.edu.auDA Turkington - Economics Discussion/Working Papers, 2011 - business.uwa.edu.au
Notice that under this concept the derivatives are arranged in such a way that a row of gives
the derivatives of a particular element of Y with respect to each element of X and a column gives
the derivatives of all the elements of Y with respect to a particular element of X. Notice ...
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EE Ostertag - Mono-and Multivariable Control and Estimation, 2011 - Springer
Page 1. B Complements of Matrix Calculus B.1 Trace of a Matrix Definition B.1. If A is a square
matrix of size ( ... 308 B Complements of Matrix Calculus B.2.1 Inversion of a Matrix If A is a square
matrix, with det( ) 0 v A , it admits an inverse defined by 1 AA I and calculated by ...

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