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AD Jackson, L Daly, AL Jackson, C Kelleher… - Thorax, 2011 - thorax.bmj.com
Contributors All authors approved the final submitted version. Authors' specific contributions
are listed below: Dr Abaigeal D Jackson: study concept and design, data acquisition, data analysis
and interpretation, manuscript preparation. Professor Leslie Daly: data analysis and ...
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[PDF] from biomedcentral.comM Chauvenet, V Cottet, C Lepage, V Jooste… - BMC …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted
PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon. ... Trends in colorectal cancer
incidence: a period and birth-cohort analysis in a well-defined French population
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N Spiers, P Bebbington, S McManus… - The British Journal of …, 2011 - RCP
... The APMS sample size was designed to have the statistical power to estimate the prevalence
of rare disorders (0.5–1.0%) by age, gender and region, and therefore has sufficient power for
an analysis of more common disorders by age, gender and birth cohort. ...
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[HTML] from plos.orgL Johnson, CH Llewellyn, CHM van Jaarsveld… - PloS one, 2011 - dx.plos.org
Data were from Gemini, a population sample of 2402 UK families with twins. An average 10 weight
measurements per child made by health professionals were available over the first six
months. Weights at birth, three and six months were identified. Longitudinal growth ...
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A Sonnenberg - Gut, 2011 - gut.bmj.com
... be emphasised when trying to understand the long-term time trends of gastric cancer, gastric
ulcer and duodenal ulcer as evidenced by their mortality data in my recent article in Gut.2 First,
the time trends depicted in the article are not a fluke of the birth-cohort analysis or solely ...
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