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[PDF] from uc.ptMM Clementino… - Topology and its Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
... Portugal epartment of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town,
Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa rticle info abstract dicated to Eraldo Giuli on the
occasion of s seventieth birthday SC: C20 A40 A20 C10 B30 ywords: onad fective descent ...
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M Milardi, J Lappalainen, T Malinen… - … and Management of …, 2011 - kmae-journal.org
... In mature or maturing females the prog- onad is filled with maturing eggs while the male progonad
shows no similarly sized recogniz- able elements. Mature individuals were sexed trough dissection
and direct observation. > STATISTICAL AND MODELLING ANALYSES ...
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[PDF] from diva-portal.orgK Fürst - 2011 - uu.diva-portal.org
... sf we know the v lue of the ssetD denoted y S from now onD tod y @whi h we usu lly do nd re
ssumed to do from now onAD we divide the lifeEsp n of the option @ A into sm ll pie es @dt =
T/NUM STEPS where NUM STEPS is the num er of timeEsteps t kenAF st is le r th t we h ...
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[PDF] from arxiv.orgA Bruguičres, S Lack… - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
... duals. A Hopf monad is a bimonad (or opmonoidal onad) whose fusion operators
are invertible. ... setting. When C is autonomous, according to Tannaka theory, one
expects that a bi- onad T be Hopf if and only if CT is autonomous. ...
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[HTML] from uaemex.mxDELCL LA INTEGRACIÓN… - …, 2011 - redalyc.uaemex.mx
... el cono cimie nto de los produ cto res,. sus e xpe ct at ivas y cr iter ios, lo sc uale s. son de te
rmin ant es al moment o de to -. mar dec isio nes rel aci onad as c on la s. prá ct ica s ag ríc ol
as a justa da sa su rea -. lid ad ag roec ológic ay so cioe conó mica . Seg ún Ba rrio set al. ...
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