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S Lupashko, S Malik, D Donahue… - Child's Nervous …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Purpose Palliative epilepsy surgery is considered for patients that would benefit from
surgical therapy for intractable epilepsy but are not candidates for curative procedures. In many
cases, the goals of therapy focus on improved quality of life more than seizure freedom. ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 2 versions
L Euro, GA Farnum, E Palin… - Nucleic Acids …, 2011 - Oxford Univ Press
Mutations in Pol γ represent a major cause of human mitochondrial diseases, especially those
affecting the nervous system in adults and in children. Recessive mutations in Pol γ represent
nearly half of those reported to date, and they are nearly uniformly distributed along the ...
L Euro, GA Farnum, E Palin… - Nucleic Acids …, 2011 - Oxford Univ Press
ABSTRACT Mutations in Pol c represent a major cause of human mitochondrial diseases, especially
those affecting the nervous system in adults and in children. Recessive mutations in Pol c represent
nearly half of those reported to date, and they are nearly uni- formly distributed along the ...
RP Kapur, C Fligner, B Maghsoodi… - The American journal of …, 2011 - journals.lww.com
Alpers disease is a recessive mitochondrial disorder caused by mutations in POLG1 and characterized
primarily by progressive neurological and hepatic degeneration. Intestinal dysmotility is a frequent
symptom, but it is often overshadowed by other clinical manifestations. The onset and ...
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M Duchowny - Child's Nervous System, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Introduction Performing epilepsy surgery in a child with a neurodegenerative illness
is a relatively unexplored chal- lenge. In this issue of CNS, Lupashko and coauthors report the
use of epilepsy surgery to eliminate seizures without influencing the underlying ...
Related articles - All 2 versions

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