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[PDF] from fsm.itP Foccoli, E Scappaticci, F Rea, F Revello… - Monaldi Arch Chest …, 2011 - archest.fsm.it
... The gold standard in diagnosis is nonetheless represented by tracheoscopy since on- ly the
endoscopic evaluation can clearly define the type of stenosis (web-like, sleeve stenosis or gran-
ulomas), its extension, its exact location (distances from vocal cords and carina), the ...
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[HTML] from hindawi.comR Torsten, G Birgit, S Susanne… - International Journal of …, 2011 - hindawi.com
... A Griggs PDT was performed two months ago. Around the tracheostoma was a thick scab of old
blood. For a diagnostic tracheoscopy, the otorhinolaryngologist removed the tracheal speech
cannula. Sudden excessive bleeding occurred from the nose and mouth. ...
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[PDF] from hindawi.comT Richter, B Gottschlich, S Sutarski… - International …, 2011 - downloads.hindawi.com
... A Griggs PDT was performed two months ago. Around the tracheostoma was a thick scab of old
blood. For a diagnostic tracheoscopy, the otorhino- laryngologist removed the tracheal speech
cannula. Sudden excessive bleeding occurred from the nose and mouth. ...
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P Bagolan… - Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, 2011 - books.google.com
... Operative Approach Tracheoscopy In all patients with esophageal atresia, including
those with a likely long gap, the first operative step is a tracheoscopy. ... 30.1). The
tracheoscopy is performed with a 3.5 flexible endo- scope. ...
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D Douchement, T Rakza, M Holder, NX Bonne… - Pediatrics, 2011 - Am Acad Pediatrics
... Bilateral choanal atresia was sus- pected immediately after birth and confirmed by endonasal
endoscopic examination (Fig 1). Flexible laryngo- tracheoscopy revealed a congenital
tracheoesophageal fistula located in the upper trachea associated with the right tracheal ...

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