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MJ Esman - Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, 2011 - muse.jhu.edu
Milton J. Esman is John S. Knight Professor of International Studies (Emeritus) at Cornell
University. He coedited Ethnicity, Pluralism and the State in the Middle East with Itamar Rabinovich
and edited Ethnic Conflict in the Western World. He is the author of reports and articles ...
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SE Palsson, BJ Howard, T Bergan, J Paatero… - 2011 - nora.nerc.ac.uk
Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons began in 1945 and came largely to an end in 1963.
Extensive monitoring was done on the global fallout from these tests. The Environmental Measurements
Laboratory (EML) in the US had a global network as well as the UK Atomic Energy ...
JM Kaste, BC Bostick, AM Heimsath… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011 - Elsevier
High concentrations of metals in organic matter can inhibit decomposition and limit nutrient availability
in ecosystems, but the long-term fate of metals bound to forest litter is poorly understood. Controlled
experiments indicate that during the first few years of litter decay, Al, Fe, Pb, and other ...
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R Bonasia, L Capra, A Costa, G Macedonio… - Journal of Volcanology …, 2011 - Elsevier
Volcanic ash fallout associated with renewal of explosive activity at Colima, represents a serious
threat to the surrounding urbanized area. Here we assess the tephra fallout hazard associated
with a Plinian eruption scenario. The eruptive history of Volcán de Colima shows that ...
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[HTML] from gsapubs.orgWI Rose… - Geology, 2011 - geology.gsapubs.org
While suspended in Earth's atmosphere, fine ash influences radiative transfer, weather, and
climate (eg, Newhall and Self, 1982). Sulfate aerosol, also in volcanic ash clouds, dominates
atmospheric effects, having stratospheric residence times of months to years (Robock, ...

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