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S Mercadante, P Ferrera… - American Journal of …, 2011 - ajh.sagepub.com
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of opioid-induced dysuria in patients
with advanced cancer having pain and to evaluate the possible factors associated. A consecutive
sample of cancer patients admitted to an acute pain relief and palliative care unit during 8 ...
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HC Kwak, G Tan, L Rickers… - Annals of The Royal …, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
CORRESPONDENCE TO Hye-Chung Kwak, Bariatric Research Fellow, School of Graduate
Entry Medicine and Health, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby DE22 3DT, UK E:
hye-chung.kwak@nottingham.ac.uk ... Hye-Chung Kwak1, Garry Tan1,2, Lisa Rickers2, ...
GM Bajwa, D Hasija… - Psychiatric …, 2011 - psychiatricannalsonline.com
The patient is a 56-year-old, divorced, unemployed Caucasian male with bipolar II disorder who
presented to the outpatient clinic with the chief complaint of unstable mood and decreased ability
to concentrate. This led to his inability to work in his role as an associate publisher. His ...
B Gupta, K Guleria… - Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Dysuria is a very common symptom, which is taken lightly. It can lead to a diagnosis
of disseminated Koch's, which if identified early can prevent permanent sequelae. ... Keywords
Dysuria 4 Genitourinary tuberculosis 4 Direct observational therapy short term
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S Jian, L Peng, F Dexing… - Adverse Drug Reactions …, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
A 75-year-old male patient with prostatic carcinoma received carbamazepine 0.1 g twice daily
for postherpetic neuralgia.Two days later,he experienced a weak urine stream,disabling frequent
urination,and stuttering urination.Five days later,carbamazepine was increased to 0.2 g ...

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