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RM Basker, JC Davenport… - 2011 - books.google.com
P1:JZP/... P2:... Trim: 246mm X 189mm fm BLBK351-Basker January 3, 2011 13:49 Printer
Name: Yet to Come ... P1:JZP/... P2:... Trim: 246mm X 189mm fm BLBK351-Basker January
3, 2011 13:49 Printer Name: Yet to Come Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient ...
Cited by 53 - Related articles - All 4 versions
B Lindskog-Stokland, K Hansen… - The European …, 2011 - Eur Orthodontic Soc
The orthodontic tooth movement into an edentulous area resulted in most individuals in only
minor dimensional alterations of the periodontal tissues. With regard to the width of the alveolar
process, the results indicated a decreased width in the newly established edentulous ...
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N Van Assche, S Michels… - Clinical Oral Implants …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Authors' affiliations: N. Van Assche, M. Quirynen, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of
Medicine, Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium S. Michels, I. Naert, Department of Prosthetic
Dentistry/BIOMAT Research Cluster, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University Leuven, ...
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B Al‐Nawas, U Brägger, HJA Meijer… - Clinical Implant …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Bilal Al-Nawas, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.;* Urs Brägger, Prof. Dr. med. dent.;† Henny JA
Meijer, DDS, PhD;‡ Ignace Naert, DDS;§ Rigmor Persson, DDS, MSD;¶ Alessandro
Perucchi, Dr. med. dent.;** Marc Quirynen, Prof. Dr. dent.;†† Gerry M. Raghoebar, MD, ...
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H Browaeys, J Defrancq… - Clinical Implant …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Background: Immediate loading of full-arch restorations yields good results in selected
cases, but long-term follow-up and the outcome in compromised bone are scarcely
evaluated. Purpose: To evaluate immediately loaded Osseotite implants (Biomet 3i, Palm ...
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