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[HTML] from jcdr.netSK Kanodia, AK Seth… - 2011 - jcdr.net
Methods and Material: Patients with the genital FDE were interviewed for onset and duration
the disease with history of all drugs taken and a list of suspected drugs was made for each
patient. Rechallenge test (oral provocation test) was done for the suspected drug with a ...
E Strachan, M Saracino, S Selke, A Magaret… - Brain, Behavior, and …, 2011 - Elsevier
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are ubiquitous in humans, but the determinants of clinical
and virologic severity are not completely understood. Prior research has suggested that psychological
distress can be a co-factor in reactivation of latent HSV infection. Personality traits such as ...
All 2 versions
DI Bernstein, JD Earwood, FJ Bravo, GH Cohen… - Vaccine, 2011 - Elsevier
Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are common but results from vaccine trials with
HSV-2 glycoprotein D (gD) have been disappointing. We therefore compared a similar HSV gD2
vaccine, to a further truncated gD2 vaccine, to a vaccine with gD2 plus gB2 and gH2/gL2 ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versions
N Borovkova, P Korrovits, K Ausmees, S Türk… - Anaerobe, 2011 - Elsevier
Several studies have suggested the association of disturbed genital tract microbiota with
infertility. Our aim was to clarify the influence of sexual intercourse on partner's genital tract microbiota
in infertile couples. Seventeen couples were studied, and in 5 men inflammatory ...
All 2 versions
[HTML] from plos.orgC Gasparini, A Pilastro… - PloS one, 2011 - dx.plos.org
... in this study. Taken in conjunction with our recent work [12], however, we suggest
that sexual conflict may be a more potent broker of sexual selection on genital
morphology in this species. Further studies, ideally manipulative ...

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