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[PDF] from arxiv.orgC Shang, Z Haiman, L Knox… - Arxiv preprint arXiv:1109.1522, 2011 - arxiv.org
... in Ade et al. (2011) and Amblard et al. (2011a), inferred from Planck and Herschel
data, respec- tively.5 In addition, a joint analysis of multiple measure- ments has
also been performed by Addison et al. (2011); they find that ...
R Garofalo - Applied WPF 4 in Context, 2011 - Springer
[PDF] from ttu.eduJL Summers - 2011 - etd.lib.ttu.edu
... absolutized; they must constantly be considered and re- considered. For the existentialist, turning
avmy from problems and decisions is turning away from himself.^ \ddison Hibbard and William
Flint Thrall, A Handbook to Literature (New York; The Odyssey Press, 1936), pp. ...
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... rofessor Ka rofessor An ter ameson aye ne Koziol-M ofessor Pet oss Lawrens Lawton raham
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C Erdmann - 2011 - books.google.com
Page 1. Charlotte Erdmann >>One more thinq<< L w“ Apples Erfolgsgeschichte vom Apple
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DJ Selkoe - Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 2011 - cshperspectives.net
Alzheimer's Disease. Dennis J. Selkoe. Center ... profound cytotoxicity. Perhaps the
foremost example, both in terms of its societal impact and how far knowledge has moved
toward the clinic, is that of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we ...
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LS Schneider, PS Insel… - Archives of neurology, 2011 - Am Med Assoc
You are seeing this message because your Web browser does not support basic Web
standards. Find out more about why this message is appearing and what you can do to make
your experience on this site better. ... Add to CiteULike Add to Connotea Add to Delicious ...
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[HTML] from nih.govB Chassaing, N Rolhion, A de Vallée… - The Journal of clinical …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... Such lpf operons were reported in Salmonella Typhimurium, Shigella boydii, and S. flexneri and
in EHEC EDL933 (30, 39), but this is the first ... mucosa, show that CD-associated AIEC bacteria
by expressing LPF can use PPs as an open gate to induce early stages of the disease. ...
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…, K Monory, B Lutz, J Romero, J Alberch, S Ginés… - Brain, 2011 - Oxford Univ Press
Endocannabinoids act as neuromodulatory and neuroprotective cues by engaging type 1 cannabinoid
receptors. These receptors are highly abundant in the basal ganglia and play a pivotal role in
the control of motor behaviour. An early downregulation of type 1 cannabinoid receptors ...
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[PDF] from sulzerlab.org…, B Wilson, V Jackson-Lewis, S Przedborski… - Neurotoxicity …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract In Parkinson's disease (PD), there is a progres- sive loss of neuromelanin (NM)-containing
dopamine neurons in substantia nigra (SN) which is associated with microgliosis and presence
of extracellular NM. Herein, we have investigated the interplay between microglia and ...
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