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基本信息 | 登录收藏 | |||||||||||||||||||||
期刊名字 | Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences BOSNIAN J BASIC MED (此期刊被最新的JCR期刊SCIE收录) LetPub评分 5.2
声誉 6.1 影响力 4.0 速度 8.7 | |||||||||||||||||||||
期刊ISSN | 1512-8601 | 微信扫码收藏此期刊 | ||||||||||||||||||||
E-ISSN | 1840-4812 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024最新影响因子 (数据来源于搜索引擎) | 3.1 点击查看影响因子趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||
实时影响因子 | 截止2024年10月29日:2.546 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024自引率 | 0.00%点击查看自引率趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||
五年影响因子 | 3.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
JCI期刊引文指标 | 0.74 | |||||||||||||||||||||
h-index | 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||
CiteScore ( 2024年最新版) |
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出版商 | Association of Basic Medical Sciences Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | |||||||||||||||||||||
涉及的研究方向 | 医学-医学:研究与实验 | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版国家或地区 | BOSNIA & HERCEG | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版语言 | English | |||||||||||||||||||||
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中国学者近期发表的论文 | |
1. | Overexpression of miR-361-5p in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) inhibits migration and invasion by targeting RQCD1 and inhibiting the EGFR/PI3K/Akt pathway. Author: Han J1, Yu J, Dai Y, Li J, Guo M, Song J, Zhou X. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Feb 12;19(1):52-59. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2018.3399. PubMed DOI |
2. | Downregulation of TSPAN13 by miR-369-3p inhibits cell proliferation in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Author: Li P1, Dong M, Wang Z. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 May 20;19(2):146-154. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2018.2865. PubMed DOI |
3. | Analysis of multidrug-resistant bacteria in 3223 patients with hospital-acquired infections (HAI) from a tertiary general hospital in China. Author: Wang M1, Wei H, Zhao Y, Shang L, Di L, Lyu C, Liu J. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Feb 12;19(1):86-93. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2018.3826. PubMed DOI |
4. | MicroRNAs: Recent insights towards their role in male infertility and reproductive cancers. Author: Khawar MB1, Mehmood R, Roohi N. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Feb 12;19(1):31-42. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2018.3477. PubMed DOI |
5. | CircRNA_014511 affects the radiosensitivity of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by binding to miR-29b-2-5p. Author: Wang Y1, Zhang J, Li J, Gui R, Nie X, Huang R. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 May 20;19(2):155-163. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.3935. PubMed DOI |
6. | Clinical outcomes after intentional replantation of permanent teeth: A systematic review. Author: Wang L1, Jiang H, Bai Y, Luo Q, Wu H, Liu H. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Jan 17. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.3937. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed DOI |
7. | Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy due to GMPPB mutations: A case report and comprehensive literature review. Author: Sun L1, Shen D, Xiong T, Zhou Z, Lu X, Cui F. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Jan 16. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.3992. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed DOI |
8. | Upregulated expression of MNX1-AS1 long noncoding RNA predicts poor prognosis in gastric cancer. Author: Zhang W1, Huang L, Lu X, Wang K, Ning X, Liu Z. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 May 20;19(2):164-171. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.3713. PubMed DOI |
9. | Outcomes and prognostic factors for patients with cervical esophageal cancer undergoing definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. Author: Du XX1, Yu R, Wang ZF, Du DC, Liu QY, Wang RM, Kang SR, Yang H. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 May 20;19(2):186-194. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.3873. PubMed DOI |
10. | Epidemiology and mechanism of drug resistance of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Beijing, China: A multi-center study. Author: Guo DX1, Hu WJ, Wei R, Wang H, Xu BP, Zhou W, Ma SJ, Huang H, Qin XG, Jiang Y, Dong XP, Fu XY, Shi DW, Wang LY, Shen AD, Xin DL. Journal: Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2019 Mar 17. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.4053. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed DOI |
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