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GM Ayoub, A Hamzeh… - Desalination, 2011 - Elsevier
The use of lime, bittern and activated carbon were evaluated in the post treatment of tannery
wastewater effluent, collected from an existing tannery, after being subjected to medium sized
screening and micro-screening. Effluent from an existing tannery was used as the test ...
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ZL Ye, SH Chen, M Lu, JW Shi… - Water Science & …, 2011 - iwaponline.com
Recovering nitrogen and phosphorus through struvite (MgNH 4 PO 4 ·6H 2 O) crystallization
from swine wastewater has gained increasing interest. However, swine wastewater contains
complex compositions, which may hinder the formation of struvite crystal and affect the ...
CFJ O'Donnell - Emu, 2011 - CSIRO
Abstract. In Australasia, wetlands and the birds that inhabit them are under considerable
threat. Australasian Bitterns (Botaurus poiciloptilus) are a potential indicator of wetland health
but there is an urgent need to collect baseline ecological data and understand processes ...
BW Wang, YB Hou, ZH Zhai… - Advanced Materials …, 2011 - Trans Tech Publ
Page 1. Durability of Bittern-resisting Cement in High Concentration Brine Bingwen Wang
a , Yunbing Hou, Zhihua Zhai, Shuai-jie Han ... Keywords: Durability; Bittern-resisting Cement;
Drying-wetting Cycles; High Concentration Brine Abstract. ...
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B Jobin, R Bazin, L Maynard, A McConnell… - Waterbirds, 2011 - BioOne
The Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) is at risk in several regions of North America and the effectiveness
of multi-species marsh bird surveys to detect this secretive species has been questioned. A
species-specific standardized survey protocol for Least Bitterns was developed to ...
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