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FR Schuster, B Hubner, M Führer… - Blood Cancer …, 2011 - nature.com
One of the major obstacles of immunosuppressive therapy (IST) in children with severe aplastic
anemia (SAA) comes from the often months-long unpredictability of bone-marrow (BM)
recovery. In this prospective study in children with newly diagnosed very severe AA ...
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JE Sanders, AE Woolfrey, PA Carpenter, BE Storer… - Blood, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Aplastic anemia (AA), a potentially fatal disease, may be cured with marrow transplantation. Survival
in pediatric patients has been excellent early after transplant, but only limited data are available
regarding late effects. This study evaluates late effects among 152 patients followed 1-38 ( ...
P Scheinberg, O Nunez, B Weinstein… - New England Journal …, 2011 - nejm.org
A large, unexpected difference was observed in the rate of hematologic response at 6 months
in favor of horse ATG (68%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 56 to 80) as compared with rabbit ATG
(37%; 95% CI, 24 to 49; P<0.001). Overall survival at 3 years also differed, with a survival ...
JM Valdez, P Scheinberg, O Nunez… - Clinical Infectious …, 2011 - cid.oxfordjournals.org
Results. During the past 2 decades, infection-related mortality decreased from 37% in group
1 to 11% in group 3 (P<.001), and the frequency of IFIs decreased from 49% in group 1 to 8%
in group 3 (P<.001). Overall 5-year survival for all patients (n = 420) increased from 64% ...
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M Ahamed, MJ Akhtar, S Verma, A Kumar… - Bioscience …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Concern about environmental lead exposure as a significant public health threat has increased
as evidence has accumulated regarding adverse health effects at successively lower levels.
Aplastic anemia is a hematological disorder of unknown etiology with a high lethality rate. ...

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