薛未菊 合肥市第二人民医院 | 服务评价LetPub的润色服务非常专业,自己的SCI论文润色后终于发表,感谢LetPub的美国编辑们的工作。感谢自己的不懈努力,感谢周围老师,同学的关心和照顾。修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in Oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: New Insights into Fibrotic Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2023-11-22 17:52:27 |
叶美华 浙江省人民医院浙江省立医院 | 服务评价通过LetPub的润色服务,对文章一些细节问题优化之后,投稿时没有被提出语言问题,本来还做好了修改语言的准备,但是一次通过,LetPub的润色水平还是很不错的,沟通也很及时,客户经理也非常nice修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in Oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Concordance between microsatellite instability and mismatch repair protein expression in colorectal cancer and their clinicopathological characteristics: a retrospective analysis of 502 cases.(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2023-08-14 19:04:03 |
yu tianwen 中南大学湘雅医院 | 服务评价润色很不错,句子润色过之后明显优于我的写作水平。并且沟通很及时,润色专家也会很仔细的看,对于初次撰写论文的我很有帮助。润色过之后一投即中,顺利毕业修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in Oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Copine 7 promotes colorectal cancer proliferation through PKM2 interaction and MAPK signaling pathway(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2023-07-18 19:50:41 |
刘文俊 辽宁中医药大学 | 服务评价感谢LetPub。 润色语言专业,对行文、格式等处的修改非常仔细,有利于文章的快速方表。修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in Oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Deferoxamine Counteracts Cisplatin Resistance in A549 Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells by Increasing Vulnerability to Glutamine Deprivation-Induced Cell Death(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2022-04-05 21:04:10 |
廖娟 四川大学公共卫生学院 | 服务评价第一次选择LetPub的服务,很满意。比之前一些公司的服务质量高很多,速度也很快。审稿人和编辑基本没有提语言方面的问题。下订单到收到稿件整个流程非常方便,还有客服跟进,随时答疑。修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Hypoxia-Induced lncRNA-NEAT1 Sustains the Growth of Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Regulation of miR-199a-3p/UCK2(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2020-12-10 13:36:18 |
冯湛 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院(浙江省第一医院) | 服务评价翻译的质量总体而言相当不错,专业领域能拿捏得这么准确,超出期望值。翻译的速度也非常快。修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Frontiers in Oncology(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Identifying BAP1 Mutations in Clear - Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by CT Radiomics : Preliminary Finding(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2020-07-13 22:09:49 |
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客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Frontiers in Oncology》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Preoperative Prediction of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Initial Application of a Radiomic Algorithm Based on Grayscale Ultrasound Images(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.-----Yi Dong, Department of Ultrasound, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China | |
客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Frontiers in Oncology》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Pathological grade-associated transcriptome profiling of lncRNAs and mRNAs in gliomas(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.-----Junlong Sun, Jiangsu Clinical Medicine Center of Tissue Engineering and Nerve Injury Repair and Department of Neurosurgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong, China | |
客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Frontiers in Oncology》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Association Between Anti-bacterial Drug Use and Digestive System Neoplasms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.----------Chongxi Bao, Department of Respiratory Disease, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China | |
客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Frontiers in Oncology》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: The Olfactory Receptor Family 2, Subfamily T, Member 6 (OR2T6) Is Involved in Breast Cancer Progression via Initiating Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and MAPK/ERK Pathway(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.----------Ming Li, Key Laboratory for Experimental Teratology of the Ministry of Education and Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, China | |
客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Frontiers in Oncology》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: is involved in breast cancer progression via initiating epithelial-mesenchymal transition and MAPK/ERK pathway(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.----------Ming Li, 1 Key Laboratory for Experimental Teratology of the Ministry of Education and Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, China 2 Department of Pathology, Dezhou People's Hospital, Dezhou, China | |
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